Friday, June 28, 2019

Should Taiwan Prepare For a 'Lengthy War'?

Huang Jei-hsuan, Taipei Times: Taiwanese should prepare for lengthy war

As late as a few months ago, there were mournful predictions of eventual — and destined — absorption of Taiwan by China. Washington’s geopolitical punditry has since done a 180; now it clamors for an independent Taiwan to anchor the so-called first island chain.

To be specific, it did not spell out Taiwanese independence per se. However, the role it wants Taiwan to play is impossible if Taiwan is either a non-nation or non-independent. It is only “a distinction without a difference.”

This comes at a time when there are signs that Taiwanese’s hopes and aspirations for a formal independent nation is on the wane.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If Taiwan wants to maintain their independence from China, they are they the ones who must show resolve and commitment to keep it. That entails maintaining a robust defense budget and military.


AZuLike said...

Could they if Chiba did a blitzkrieg on it?

AZuLike said...

China dang touch screen 😂

Bob Huntley said...

A long war being so close to its very large enemy, not likely. The latest issue in Hong Kong no doubt changed the minds of anyone living in Taiwan who may have thought repatriation might be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so every G20 event, we will see Chinese (and Russians, ofc) flexing their muscle.. hypersonic nuclear warheads this time.. how subtle.. lol why do we take these clowns seriously again? ancient civilisation.. sure.. but manners?