Monday, June 10, 2019

Snap Elections Called In Moldova As Court Forces President Out

RFE: Moldova's Interim Leader Dissolves Parliament, Calls Snap Elections

Moldova has plunged deeper into political crisis after the country's top court suspended President Igor Dodon and his appointed replacement dissolved parliament and called for snap elections.

Thousands of people massed in the capital, Chisinau, on June 9 in support of Dodon's replacement, Pavel Filip, while Dodon slammed the court's decision and accused a rival political party, the Democratic Party -- backed by an influential tycoon -- of trying to cling to power.

The crisis adds more instability to Moldova, one of Europe's poorest states, long plagued by corruption and politically divided by those favoring closer ties with the European Union, and those wanting tighter relations with Russia.

Protesters, who were bussed into the capital by the Democratic Party, chanted, "We are the people, Dodon is the traitor."

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More News On Moldova

Moldova crisis: Snap elections called by interim president -- BBC
Moldova's new acting president calls snap election -- France 24
Crisis in Moldova Deepens as Court Forces Out President -- The New York Times
U.S., EU urge Moldova to use 'restraint' as its president is removed from power -- UPI
Moldova crisis deepens as new president calls snap election -- Al Jazeera
'Moldova's outgoing government doesn't want to leave power': Foreign Minister-designate Nicu Popescu -- Euronews
With Moldova in crisis, two rival governments hold meetings -- Alexander Tanas, Reuters

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