Friday, June 21, 2019

The U.S. Media Is Starting to Turn On U.S. Presidential Democrat Primary Candidate Joe Biden

ABC News: Biden defends comments on segregationist Democrats after criticism from 2020 challengers

After a day of criticism from many 2020 presidential opponents, former Vice President Joe Biden is not apologizing for comments he made about finding consensus with Southern Democrats with opposing views while serving in the Senate -- including those who supported segregation.

But Biden went even one step further late Wednesday, saying Sen. Cory Booker should apologize for his own criticism.

The controversy began at a fundraiser in New York City Tuesday night when Biden spoke about the need for consensus to fix the "broken" political system, and recalled his time in the Senate serving alongside former Sens. James O. Eastland, of Mississippi, and Herman Talmadge, of Georgia. Eastland served as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee when Biden arrived in the Senate and both Eastland and Talmadge were deeply opposed to desegregation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Regular readers of this blog know that I have doubts that Joe Biden will be the Presidential candidate for the US Democrat Party in the 2020 election. His business interests in Ukraine. His family business affairs in China. And his family and personal history are stories that would sink any Presidential aspiration. What surprises me is that I did not expect some in the main stream media to start pushing these stories now. They have known who and what Joe Biden is for years, and they have kept it under wrap for years, especially during President Obama's administration. Flash forward to today, and that "protection" is clearly gone. I expect more stories to come out in the coming weeks, and this is going to be brought up during the debates.

More News On The Media Coverage Of U.S. Presidential Democrat Primary Candidate Joe Biden

Biden sidesteps questions about his son's foreign business dealings but promises ethics pledge -- ABC News
Biden Defends Remarks About Segregationists but Omits Some History -- The New York Times
Tensions ripple through Biden campaign as his past working relationship with a segregationist senator comes to the forefront -- The Washington Post
Revealed: Segregationist senator Joe Biden praised for 'civility' worked with him to ban busing and called African Americans 'flesh eaters and said whites have right to 'pursuit of dead n*****s' -- Daily Mail
Hunter Biden’s alleged love child debacle just the latest in string of suspicious incidents -- Page Six
'He needs an intervention': Inside Joe Biden's chaotic campaign -- Joseph Simonson, Washington Examiner
Politico founder trashes Biden in op-ed: 'Grampa Simpson is running for president' -- Washington Examiner


Mike Feldhake said...

WNU Editor; the MSM have become bottom feeders, pay them no mind. Keep pushing stories that are relevant. Thanks.

fred said...

the editor may be right about the final pick for the Dems. But the press is not turning against him. a few of the posted links simply give what has been said; then a few links from the right of center sources that clearly do not support either Biden or the Dems...they dump on him. Warren is rising at this point but it still remains early. And yes: I am biased. Any one of the 20 or so candidates would bring more stability to the presidency than Trump now brings. This is the first time in American history that a president has not yet risen above a 50% favorability...and in a good economy at that!

Anonymous said...

Keep looking squirrel!

Anonymous said...

"Flash forward to today, and that "protection" is clearly gone"

Not based on principles. If the story had been kept under wraps by the MSM, they would still support and vote for Joe.

Alas, the MSM felt that the graft and corruption would come out due to the alternative media and that it would get traction. So they pulled the trigger on ole Joe.

Anonymous said...

"This is the first time in American history that a president has not yet risen above a 50% favorability"

The press is worth 5 to 15 points according to a liberal partisan hacks.

``Let's talk a little media bias here,'' he said on the PBS program ``Inside Washington'' on July 11. ``The media, I think, want Kerry to win. And I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards . . . as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there's going to be this glow about them that is going to be worth, collectively, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points.'' Just how lopsided is the pro-Kerry bias? When New York Times reporter John Tierney surveyed reporters covering the Democratic National Convention last month, the results were striking.

``We got anonymous answers from 153 journalists, about a third of them based in Washington,'' he wrote on Aug. 1. ``When asked who would be a better president, the journalists from outside the Beltway picked Mr. Kerry 3 to 1, and the ones from Washington favored him 12 to 1 ..."

Anonymous said...

"Regular readers of this blog know that I have doubts that Joe Biden will be the Presidential candidate for the US Democrat Party in the 2020 election. His business interests in Ukraine. His family business affairs in China. And his family and personal history are stories that would sink any Presidential aspiration."

So how did Hillary Clinton get the nomination despite the Clinton's extensive business interests and dirty garbage being aired out in the open.

fred said...

perhaps the same way trump got nomination and presidency know...fill in the stuff and if you do not the state of NY will when he is out of office

Anonymous said...

Trump got the nomination, because Jeb Bush acted like a Bush.

In 2007 his brother and McCain went for Amnesty now and the wall afterwards (?). That didn't fly. Jeb signaled that he was going to double down and that. Jeb had a billion dollar war chest and all the fight of Thurston Howell III. He lost. At least he had the decency to lose in the primaries instead of debate #2 like Romney.

Trump had his taxes audited for 8 years under the Obama IRS The last year or 18 months, they knew to please Obama that they could give him the 5th degree.

Fred make yourself useful. Buy a plane ticket to Moscow and take a picture of where the Trump Hotel is or where it is going to be. While you are at it, go find those two prostitutes. We want pictures to prove they exist. If you get other pictures for your collection, well that is your business.

fred said...

Unemployment rising in 8 states that voted for Trump

Opinion | Trump’s Slouching Toward War With Iran Is a Disgrace -
--- Trump is trying to rewrite the history of his family separation policy - Vox---Trump tweets bizarre video suggesting he could be president '4EVA' | Fox News--- 'This was a direct attack on U.S. assets': Trump's aborted Iran strike draws criticism from Republicans

Anonymous said...

Military action is always problematic for the US. If the president is Republican, the Democrats have Antifa & ANSWER on speed dial with the goal of driving down presidential poll numbers and damaging the country until the power is turned over to them. That is their speed.

It is good thing that Fred studied or was socially promoted in English. I do not see him being very good at stats, accounting, business, or economics.

Anonymous said...

Keep looking squirrel.

fred said...

'yo, make the same silly, ie bitchy, remarks over and over. try new tack..perhaps knowing bookkeeping has prevented you from learning decency and humanity.

Anonymous said...

"you make the same silly, ie bitchy, remarks over and over."

I read that and the 1st thing I though of was you, Fred. It is your MO.

So there is this guy who is rich and has a lot of time. He bitches about Trump constantly. You would think he could fly to Moscow and start turning over stones and report it on his blog.

Come on Fred at least give us the coordinates for Google Map so we can see the Trump Hotel in Moscow.

fred said...


Anonymous said...

Trash Talker cannot give the address of Trump Hotel in Moscow.

If Trash Talker gave us a bogus address, we all could look it up in Google Maps, use the street view, and see for ourselves that another business is there.

So Trash Talker resorted to an ad hominem attack.

Anonymous said...

"trash", Lapides stumbles across self awareness.