Saturday, June 22, 2019

US National Security Adviser John Bolton Lands In Israel To Discuss Iran With Russian And Israeli Counterparts

National security advisor John Bolton at press conference at King David. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Times of Israel: Bolton lands in Israel ahead of unprecedented security summit

US national security adviser to meet with Netanyahu, discuss Iran with Russian and Israeli counterparts

US National Security Adviser John Bolton landed in Israel on Saturday ahead of an unprecedented trilateral meeting in Jerusalem of top security officials from the United States, Israel and Russia.

Bolton will discuss regional issues with his counterparts, Meir Ben-Shabbat and Nikolai Patrushev. Iran’s efforts to entrench itself militarily in Syria and the escalating tensions between Tehran and Washington are expected to top the agenda.

Read more ....

Update #1: Bolton arrives in Israel amid heightened US-Iranian military tensions (Jerusalem Post)
Update #2: Bolton arrives in Israel ahead of 'unprecedented' security summit in Jerusalem (i24 News)

WNU Editor:  I would love to be a fly in the room when these national security advisers meet.


Anonymous said...

"Sorry, I'll try again tomorrow."

Anonymous said...

The US wants to solve Iran together with Russia and Israel, so it can then focus on China and north Korea.
China knows this obviously that's why xi just gave Kim a blank cheque saying "whatever happens, China got your back"

This goes back to what I stated here more than 2 years ago:

North Korea has 60+nukes. If only one makes it through the missile defence on the Us west coast, we will immediately and irreversibly live in a Chinese century. Neither Russia nor India nor Europe could catch up fast enough without the US which would see tens of trillions in losses over the decades it needs to rebuilt. Remember it's not just the trillions of economic output of california alone (2tn/yr) but much of the tech and AI experts are there. Without US AI, China will dominate this most crucial technology, and no one will be able to catch up in the next 50 years. Also much of this multi trillion dollar business will be taken by China.

It must be worth really 1-2 trillion to Xi if Kim were able to fire back. He just need to arrange for the right circumstances. Telling him (Kim) that he (Xi ) would protect him (as he did) is just part of the game. This nuclear Mexican standoff (USA north Korea Iran ) is very very very tempting for China as long as they can stand outside and are just the guy cheering on.
Putin will look at this and see the madness. Xi is a f'ing idiot who has almost single handedly ruined china's really good chances at their 2025 goals. ..He will not follow Xi. He is not impressed at all by Xi's performance. Give Putin the resources Xi has and he'd rule the world 10 times over

Dave Goldstein said...

Russians in Jerusalem? Something is really going on.

Anonymous said...

Netenyahu and Putin meet multiple times per year.