Thursday, June 20, 2019

When Asked By Reporters If U.S. Will Strike Iran, President Trump Says ‘You’ll Soon Find Out’

Reuters: Trump says Iran 'made a very big mistake' by shooting down drone

DUBAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said Iran made “a very big mistake” by shooting down a U.S. military drone that Tehran said was on a spy mission over its territory, in an incident that fanned fears of wider military conflict in the Middle East.

The United States, which called the event an “unprovoked attack” in international air space, is pursuing a campaign to isolate Iran to contain its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and limit its role in regional wars.

It was the latest in an escalating series of incidents in the Gulf region, a critical artery for global oil supplies, since mid-May including explosive strikes on six oil tankers as Tehran and Washington have edged toward confrontation.

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WNU Editor: The pressure to respond militarily must be overwhelming in the White House right now.

More News On Growing Tensions Between The U.S. And Iran

Asked if US will strike Iran, Trump says ‘you’ll soon find out’ -- CNBC
Trump says Iran made ‘big mistake’ in downing US drone -- AP
Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' after drone downing -- CNN
Trump says Iran 'made a big mistake' after drone shot down -- The Hill
Trump says 'Iran made a very big mistake' in shooting down US military drone -- ABC News

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

A military like response would be a bigger mistake.