Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Backlash Is Growing Against President Xi In China And Around The World

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech during a high-level event in the Assembly Hall at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, January 18, 2017. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

CNN: The backlash is growing against Xi Jinping in China and around the world

(CNN)The backlash abroad against President Xi Jinping's China, at least in developed nations, has spread rapidly in the last year.

Some countries, like Australia and Canada, feel patronized and bullied. Neighbors worry they are being marginalized. Advanced industrial nations, especially Germany and South Korea, see China coming at them like an unstoppable, oncoming train.

The US, for decades the world's lone superpower, is confronted by a once-in-a-lifetime challenge from Beijing. All of these phenomena, previously bubbling under the surface, have burst into clear view during Xi's time in office.

Beijing's opaque internal political system means it is hard to make judgments about domestic Chinese politics, but there can be little doubt that a backlash is underway at home, too.

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WNU Editor: In China itself, the main opposition to President Xi is coming from the provinces. They like their independence, and they are not happy when Beijing pokes its nose in their business. As for outside of China, the backlash against President Xi is over border disputes and China's use of force to assert their claims, and the debt trap that many smaller countries now find themselvesin.


Anonymous said...

Xi should strike a deal with Trump while he can. The actual impact of the sanctions usually takes 12 months to fully hit and the spiraling issues come in the following years, as crime rises, services are cut back and remember the Chinese are more enslaved than Americans. Sure almost unchecked capitalism can be bad too but imagine even more of that in China, with less laws and regulations..really shitty environment. .bad air. Terrible surveillance. .Christians and Muslims supressed etc. . I don't even want to go to business trips to China anymore it's gotten that bad. .and I could always get to stay in the nicest hotels ..most business leaders gotta be afraid to go to China these days for fear of being arrested and perhaps converted to spy for them. ..that's how the game is played, and they play it well.. for me it's easy ..I'm siding with the US because even though I have many Chinese friends, their government is scary and the way they talk about the Chinese race and culture and the territorial claims and military build up they had and how they helped north Korea-a country that threatened the US several years ago already with nuclear war,produced videos of flame engulfed civilian targets and coties all while torturing their own people and starving them to death..those guys the Chinese Gouvernment gave mobile missile launch platforms which-given the numbers-will make it all but impossible to have regime change. .and I get it. .why should just a few countries especially the US get to have nukes as they're the only ones who actually used them. The historic details matter my understanding this was done to end the bloodshed as the Japanese emperor at that time was as close to a deity as it gets in countries. .the Japanese did many unspeakable things under their ruler back then and were what we'd call almost fanatic today. .their colonising efforts and war-mongering and murder in China are often forgotten so there's a point to be made for China too and we should not forget why they feel anxious about the west. . But I think there old pain is no reason to put a million Muslims in reeducation camps and almost outlaw religion (Nazi Germany did the same for very similar reasons as the Nazis wanted total control over what people think and in control of all laws and morals. .then by talking for years badly about Jews and treating them differently (first also reeducation and resettlement camps) ie treating them worse ,denying them important positions (same in China..if you're a black chinese good luck in becoming president in the next 100 years over there unless something dramatically changes. .but ..if you're white almost just as bad. .it is an ethno state (like what Nazi Germany always wanted to achieve)

Meanwhile yes the US has fuckd up a lot. ..many stupid wars. .issues with the military industrial complex etc and yes there is racism on all sides too...BUT.. you can be black white Asian Hispanic everyone (!) gets a shot. .. and racism will not get away after Obama. .but it helped to inspire many and show they mean it. You will not see anyone but ethnic Chinese rule China. And. Get this: china wants to rule the world and listen in to all data. We will never be ethnic Chinese and while I don't like much of religion myself I'd defend your rights to have any religion peacefully and equal to all. This cornerstone of freedom of happiness and what makes us be and treat others human - at least under the law, there will always be Jerks- will be gone in all places China can subdue

Anonymous said...

Hmmm China critical post and Blogger (Google) gives me a very very difficult and lengthy captcha .. oh Google I hope it's not true what they say about you

Anonymous said...

Resist the temptation of Chinese takeout and have Spam instead...that will send a message

Joe blowes said...

This is madness

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Flynn juggled Trump campaign role with foreign lobbying, jurors told - POLITICO
--- Trump Officials Accused Of Lying In Court About The Real Reason For Citizenship Question | HuffPost
---: Former Texas judge leaves GOP over Trump

Anonymous said...

"Former Texas judge leaves GOP over Trump"

So he is about what? 60 or 70 and no longer employed in an official capacity.

Where was said judge when Obama was treating Governor Rick Perry and the good citizens like shit?

Obama, Perry confer on crisis at Texas border - USA Today

The border has been a problem for over a decade and liberals keep saying "What problem?"

Anonymous said...

How will Xi keep them down on the paddy after they’ve seen Paree?