Thursday, July 11, 2019

Former Canadian Ambassador Urges China To Ease Up On Trudeau As The Best Way Of Keeping The Liberals In Power

SCMP: Beijing should avoid ‘punishing’ Canada over Huawei case, cautions Ottawa’s ex-ambassador to China

* Further curbs may bolster rise of new government unfavourable to Beijing, says Canada’s former ambassador to China, John McCallum
* Expect Beijing-Ottawa relations to normalise ahead of 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties next year, McCallum says

Canada’s former ambassador to China, sacked because of remarks he made in the wake of Huawei’s high-profile extradition case, said he has warned former contacts at China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that any further “punishments” imposed on Canada’s exports could lead to a change of government that is unfavourable to Beijing.

“Anything that is more negative against Canada will help the Conservatives, [who] are much less friendly to China than the Liberals,” John McCallum, a veteran Liberal Party member, told the South China Morning Post in an interview in Hong Kong on Monday.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This former senior Liberal politician and former ambassador has put Prime Minister Trudeau's government on the defensive .... John McCallum puts Liberals on the defensive again with advice to China (CBC). This is beyond disgusting. They should repudiate him immediately.

Update: They have thrown him under the bus .... 'McCallum does not speak for Canada': Freeland repudiates ex-ambassador who implied China should help elect Liberals (National Post).


Amp1776 said...

Canadian collusion?

Anonymous said...

The guy wasn't asking China to interfere, he's just kind of a dope and never considers how his careless statements will be spun. It's a good thing they got rid of him when they did.

Anonymous said...

"I think it is inappropriate for any Canadian to be advising any foreign government in ways it ought or ought not to behave to secure any particular election outcome in Canada."

Really Freeland?

Since you ARE the pick of a foreign government, you should know all about it.

And that's what's disgusting.