Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gallop Poll: American Pride Hits A New Low

Gallop: American Pride Hits New Low; Few Proud of Political System

* 45% are "extremely" proud, the second straight year of sub-50% readings
* 22% of Democrats are extremely proud, down 10 points in one year
* Americans most proud of U.S. scientific success, military; least proud of politics

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As Americans prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, their pride in the U.S. has hit its lowest point since Gallup's first measurement in 2001. While 70% of U.S. adults overall say they are proud to be Americans, this includes fewer than half (45%) who are "extremely" proud, marking the second consecutive year that this reading is below the majority level. Democrats continue to lag far behind Republicans in expressing extreme pride in the U.S.

These findings are explored further with new measurements of the public's pride in eight aspects of U.S. government and society. American scientific achievements, military and culture/arts engender the most pride, while the U.S. political system and health and welfare system garner the least.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When you look at what is being taught in schools and what the media focuses on, coupled with the negative view points of many public figures towards America and a cultural environment that generally does not portray a positive viewpoint of America .... I am surprised that this number is not lower.


Anonymous said...

tip: when did the numbers begin to go way down? guess

Anonymous said...

Within the next 10 years half the US population will view the American flag as a hate symbol...just ask Nike.

Anonymous said...

Nike! worn by great athletes. Made in China.

DAR said...

To be a Great Country, we have to be great at Home. I'm proud to be an American. And everybody makes mistakes. But starting with Bush 43's sole decision to invade Iraq, we've made horrendous errors that are costing us our Spirit, our future well-being as we sink a $Trillion$ a year into the Industrial/Military Complex, and deep and dark divisions of great socioeconomic inequalities as we move into a Nationalist/Populist corporatocracy. Half unwittingly support such movement, Half do not. And very few on any side understand. I would guess it would take great crisis--and better education--to pull out of the decline.