Saturday, July 6, 2019

How Worried Should The U.S. Be About Russia's And China's Hypersonic Missiles?

MiG-31K with hypersonic missile "Kinzhal" /

Newsweek: China's Hypersonic Missiles: How Worried Should the U.S. Be About Futuristic Weapons?

A recent propaganda video released by the Chinese military has brought one of the country's most advanced and threatening technologies back to the fore—hypersonic weaponry.

Hypersonic weapons travel at incredible speed and—unlike even the most advanced ballistic missiles—can maneuver in flight. This gives the weapons enormous range and makes them much harder to track and stop.

The U.S., Russia and China are all investing heavily in hypersonic technologies. However, the Pentagon has been the slowest to jump on the bandwagon and military chiefs are warning that the U.S. could be left behind by its authoritarian adversaries, at least when it comes to nuclear-capable hypersonics.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: While both China and Russia may be ahead in developing hypersonic weapons, they are still behind in having the assets that can track and follow targets. The U.S. has also made it a priority to develop and deploy this hypersonic technology as quickly as possible. Bottom line .... the U.S. should be concerned on what Russia and China are doing when it come to hypersonic weapons, but not worried.


Bob Huntley said...


Just a carpenter. said...

100kw sure it won't be an issue

Dave Goldstein said...

The 1st one of these weapons to be launched will the last to worry about.
All out war will be the result.

Carl said...

No, the bottom line is that we should worry about the long term consequences of our own foreign and war policies, but we never do because we're either too stupid or too cowardly to take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

The whole point of hypersonic weapons is that even though you MAY be able to track SOME of them, you won't be able to intercept them. We don't need to "worry" about them, since their existence will preclude us from putting our carriers within their range.