Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Iran Walks Back From The Foreign Minister's Remarks That Its Missile Program Is On the Table For Negotiations

Foreign ministry officials have strongly rejected some foreign media’s claims about Iran readiness to negotiate over its missile program.

MEHR News Agency: Iran’s missile program not negotiable under any condition

"We categorically reject the AP’s characterization of FM Zarif’s comments to NBC News that "if the US wants to talk about missiles, it should stop selling weapons, including missiles, to regional states” as meaning that Iran is willing to negotiate on its defensive missile program at some point. Iran’s missiles and its missiles are absolutely and under no condition negotiable with anyone or any country, period,” tweeted Alireza Miryousefi, head of Media office at Iranian Mission to the United Nations.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Quite a contrast from what Iran was saying yesterday .... Room for negotiations is ‘wide open’ if U.S. lifts sanctions on Iran, Zarif says (Tehran Times).

More News On Iran Saying That Its Missile Program Is Not Open For Negotiation

Iran Rejects Pompeo’s Suggestion It Is Willing to Negotiate Over Missile Program -- The New York Times
Iran walks back comments on missile production -- The Hill
Iran says its missile program is not negotiable -- Reuters
Iran foreign minister says country 'had no choice' but to build missiles for defense -- FOX News


RussInSoCal said...

Note to Iran: You missile program and your nukes are gone if you want any reprieve from the crushing US sanctions. And they're gone BEFORE the sanctions end.

Bob Huntley said...

Tough talk.

Anonymous said...

More and more signals come out of Iran.

The signals are contradictory as if they know they got to do something but can't countenance it. They are in severe financial distress and soon people will grab pitchforks and go after the theocracy.

And poor baby will trudge dejectedly to McDonalds to console itself with a two large orders of McNuggets.

Anonymous said...

more manly bs via russ the fake macho man

Anonymous said...

You can have Bob in your foxhole. Good luck with that.

Bob Huntley said...

Give Anon/Russ a fish and they will eat for a night.
Teach they how to fish and they will eat for the rest of their lives.

Build Anon/Russ a fire and they will be warm for a night.
Set Anon/Russ on fire and they will be warm for the rest of their lives.