Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Is A Consulting Firm Hobbling U.S. Intelligence?

Politico: Spies fear a consulting firm helped hobble U.S. intelligence

Insiders say a multimillion dollar McKinsey-fueled overhaul of the country’s intelligence community has left it less effective.

America’s vast spying apparatus was built around a Cold War world of dead drops and double agents. Today, that world has fractured and migrated online, with hackers and rogue terrorist cells, leaving intelligence operatives scrambling to keep up.

So intelligence agencies did what countless other government offices have done: They brought in a consultant. For the past four years, the powerhouse firm McKinsey and Co., has helped restructure the country’s spying bureaucracy, aiming to improve response time and smooth communication.

Instead, according to nearly a dozen current and former officials who either witnessed the restructuring firsthand or are familiar with the project, the multimillion dollar overhaul has left many within the country’s intelligence agencies demoralized and less effective.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. intel community is made up of hundreds of thousands of employees with budgets that run in the tens of billions. Changing the status quo will always guarantee blow-back, especially in large organizations.


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

an insider's view: no.