Friday, July 5, 2019

Mexico's Murder Rate Is Spiraling Out Of Control

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Mexico recorded 17,065 murders in the first six months of 2019 in comparison to 16,585 in 2018 and 13,918 in 2017

Daily Mail: Mexico's murder rate reaches all-time high with 17,065 homicides recorded in the first six months of 2019 - an average of 94 killings every day

* Secretariat of Security and Citizens Protection showed there were 17,065 murders during the first six months of 2019
* Data showed that there were 2,453 homicides in June but officials expect the number to be much higher when an updated report is published July 20
* President Andrés Manuel López Obrador deployed the National Guard this week to the country's 32 states to combat organized crime
* There have been more than 200,000 Mexican murders since 2006 when the government unleashed its war on drugs

Mexico has recorded its highest ever murder rate with government data revealing a shocking 17,065 homicides were committed in the first six months of 2019. That equates to 94 murders every day.

The information, released Tuesday by the Secretariat of Security and Citizens Protection, showed the murder rate has increased from the same period last year, up from 16,585 murders in the first half of 2018.

A staggering 33,369 people were assassinated in the whole of 2018, the highest number since the country started keeping official numbers in 1997. However, 2019 is on course to eclipse that figure.

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Mexico recorded 17,065 murders in the first six months of 2019 in comparison to 16,585 in 2018 and 13,918 in 2017 (FOX News)

WNU Editor: Mexican President Obrador ran on the promise to bring down the murder rate. He is still early in his term, but this "murder trend" does not look promising.


Anonymous said...

Nobody actually lives to see their inauguration in Mexico without cutting some deals with the cartels. Obrador can't stop the violence.

Anonymous said...

Wtf why are drugs illegal? We have 200,000 murders because of these laws!

... Make some drugs legal, take the tax money and use it to improve people's lives!

Most people I know who take "bad drugs" do so because they end up in shitty circumstances and cannot get out. Their life is so bad that they then prostitute themselves and do all kinds of crime from theft to worse to get those drugs which 1) they wouldn't have needed in the first place if society would help them differently and educate them 2) and if they'd still want them, would be available much much much cheaper because all that's driving drug prices UP is the f'ing war on drugs and what it brings with it.

People who do not understand drugs and the key driving factors in demand and supply should not make our policies. It is such an important market and issue and we lose not only those people who get murdered but we also lose those people who die because of accidental overdoses because the drugs are not legit and that again is because they're illegal. Make them legal and it'll be harder to overdose by accident.

And educate! This "war on drugs" is such a neanderthalic approach that I feel I must apologise to neanderthals. Even they wouldn't be so stupid.

But obviously it's about money too, not just ignorance and stupidity of people who have never tried drugs or understood their appeal, and the different categories of drugs and different reasons why people seek them - good reasons and sad reasons.

The more illegal and the harder drugs are to get the more money they'll be able to make. Keep in mind:the production costs stay the same and even go down the more you produce. But the entire group along the value chain gets more and more. If we don't stop this madness this terror and the cartels will come more to the US and spread to other countries where drugs become popular...

Or stop demand. But if you think you can do this you've not understood anything at all.