Friday, July 19, 2019

On The Eve Of the 50th Anniversary Of The Moon Landing, The New York Times Is Saying The Soviets Won The Space Race

Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova flew into space on the Vostok-6 mission in 1963. RIA Novosti/Science Photo Library

New York Times: How the Soviets Won the Space Race for Equality

The U.S.S.R. sent women and people of color to space years before the U.S.

The Cold War was fought as much on an ideological front as a military one, and the Soviet Union often emphasized the sexism and racism of its capitalist opponents — particularly the segregated United States. And the space race was a prime opportunity to signal the U.S.S.R.’s commitment to equality. After putting the first man in space in 1961, the Soviets went on to send the first woman, the first Asian man, and the first black man into orbit — all years before the Americans would follow suit.

In fact, the director of Soviet cosmonaut training wrote in his diary as early as 1961: “We cannot allow the first woman in space to be American. This would be an insult to the patriotic feelings of Soviet women.” Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed, and the search for candidates began.

On June 16, 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, a 26-year-old factory worker-turned-cosmonaut, became the first woman in space. She flew a solo mission that orbited Earth 48 times. In three days, she traveled farther than all previous American astronauts combined. Ardent female fans in the U.S.S.R. saw her triumph as a welcome reaffirmation of the Soviet commitment to gender equality, while women outside the Soviet Union took it as proof that there was no limit to what women could achieve.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The New York Times ignores the annoying fact that after sending Valentina Tereshkova into space, the decision was made to not send women in space because it was too dangerous. A decision that stood for more than 19 years before they finally sent another women into space .... Valentina Tereshkova: USSR was 'worried' about women in space (BBC). Even today, the Russian space program does not prioritize having women cosmonauts. Here is a list of female astronauts past and present (notice the huge number of American female astronauts and lack of Soviet/Russian astronauts) .... List of female spacefarers (Wikipedia).


Anonymous said...

This is just a mortgage installment by the NYT for the project that the Democrat Party is trying to build.

The monetary species of payment for this installment is 'Identity Politics'.

This mortgage installment proves and shows yet again that the Grey Lady, really the Painted Lady, is not the nation's newspaper of record, but a partisan hack rag.

I compare my female European relatives to my female American relatives and there is a higher percentage of American female relatives, who attend college and matriculate. Yet we are forever told how Europe is better than the US and how the US is horrible.

This NYT hit piece was meant to tear down America in general, so that liberals have a cleared space top rebuild America in their mentally challenged image.

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid says
either the article is accurate or it is not. It is not an opinion piece
ps: the editor of this site says that America was segregated. Check the time when the Russian space ship went up and when LBJ integrated the South.
anon: Fox is your source of record...ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

By 1957, seven out of Arkansas’ eight state universities were integrated.

Was LBJ president in 1957?

Little Rock HS was integrate in the fall of 1957.

The military was integrated by President Truman. Was LBJ president in 1948?

Actually if you read WW2 history the military was being integrated during 1944 & 1945 in training. Was LBJ president then?

All the women in the my family went to college in the 1950s except for one. Yeah, it must have been real segregated. All the women I am related to form Europe did not go to college during this time.

PS How often do you see a Fox News link here at WNU by a poster? If there is one and if you whine and moan about it, I bet the same news article could be found in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. But you will still bitch that Fox is biased.

One of my relatives was in the army in 1959. His barracks was integrated.

Meanwhile the Soviet that the Politburo did not reflect the demographic make up of the USSR and you are throwing rocks in a glass house.

You do look very special

Andrew Jackson said...

Bomb the Times!!!