Thursday, July 4, 2019

The 5 Deadliest Submarine Accidents In Soviet And Russian History

Kursk (K-141)

Moscow Times: The 5 Deadliest Submarine Accidents in Soviet and Russian History

Fourteen submariners on board a Russian deep-sea research vessel were killed in a fire while surveying the sea floor off the country’s Arctic coast on Monday.

The accident is far from the first deadly submarine accident to take place in Russia, where such tragedies have a long history.

Here’s a look at the five deadliest submarine accidents that have taken place in Russia and the U.S.S.R.:

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Russia is not the only country that has had serious submarine accidents. Here is a list of accidents involving submarines since 2000 .... List of submarine incidents since 2000 (Wikipedia).


Anonymous said...

The Canadians have 4 subs and 2 accidents in 18 years. They must take them out for a spin too often for the rate to be that low.

Jac said...

There are a lot of collisions....especially in the US Navy.

Anonymous said...

It is like cars. It is proportional to miles driven.