Friday, July 5, 2019

The Cyber War Between The U.S. And Iran Continues

Defense One: Suspected Iranian Cyber Attacks Show No Sign of Slowing

As Iran and the U.S. trade cyber blows, a new warning shows that the online fight is likely to go on.

Tensions between the United States and Iran in the Strait of Hormuz may be cooling but, online, it appears Iranian actors are continuing their activity against targets in the United States and elsewhere.

On Wednesday morning, U.S. Cyber Command tweeted that they discovered “active malicious use” of a known bug in Microsoft Outlook, “CVE-2017-11774.”

In their tweet, Cyber Command doesn’t say who is using the bug to launch attacks. But cybersecurity company FireEye has reported that a variety of Iranian hackers have been busy using that very vulnerability.

Read more ....

Update: US-Iran cyber strike marks a military ‘game changer,’ says tech expert (MSNBC)

WNU Editor: This is now the new normal.


Rodger Ramster said...

why doesn't the US ddetermine the URL and location of the attacks, and send a few cruise missiles?

Anonymous said...

Because it isn't that simple, gramps. The same way US intelligence can't accurately pinpoint most of the attacks that they ascribe to Russia. Anyone can hide their precise location behind foreign VPNs and spoof hardware IDs. People only get caught when they get sloppy. That's why most high-profile arrests made for digital breaches are on teenagers. Foreign intelligence doesn't get sloppy; they follow procedure.

That's not to say they couldn't just lob a few missiles at random and then claim they "hit some hackers". It wouldn't really accomplish any cybersecurity goals, but if all you're worried about is feeling like we "won" then there's a ton of precedent for that. Just like the Syrian "chemical weapons" lab that Trump bombed, it could easily be done and the dopey media would happily play along.