Richard A. Bitzinger, Asia Times: Chinese fighter jets struggle to target buyers
The high-tech wannabees of Asia are going through a bit of a rough patch lately. India has to postpone its Chandrayaan-2 moon mission just an hour before launch, due to a “technical snag.” Japan is imposing controls on the transfer of certain technologies to South Korea, which could impair the latter’s smartphone and semiconductor sectors.
A bit more obscure but just as critical a development is affecting China’s fighter jet business. The Pakistanis have announced that they will start building a more advanced version of its JF-17 combat aircraft, for deployment in 2020.
With these new “Block III” versions, Pakistan will by the middle of the next decade operate up to 200 JF-17 fighters. And each JF-17 it purchases means one less opportunity for China to sell its own fighter jets to its best customer.
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WNU Editor: Selling sophisticated and expensive weapons is never easy .... as the Chinese are quickly learning.
Chines mil hardware is great if you want cheap knockoffs of Russian machines. Which have the added bonus of being bugged up to the hilt.
Any nation/MNC would have to be stupidly loyal, or just plain stupid to invest/involve itself in any of it.
/Are you listening, Honeywell, Boeing, Google, etc?
People don't just buy from the US because of quality, but also because of equality. We all know China is an ethno state, in which racism is lived, breathed, is part of the Chinese leadership itself. Sure, we have accusations that Trump is a racist too. But what we call racist in the US or Europe is largely driven by misinformation and social justice warriors who have never lived anywhere but the US and don't have a clue what real racism is like. Obama - a black man - would never be a Chinese high ranking politician. Not now. Not in 100 years. The Chinese refer to themselves differently than the rest of humanity. They talk about themselves differently. They have no sympathy for our black brothers. No sympathy for the white man and they despise all non Chinese Asians too.Hispanics of too etc. I have been many times to China and have lived pretty much around the world. When I tell you that China is an ethno state and you don't know what that means, go there. If you're white people will still smile (the ladies will,the guys hate you), if you're black -no one will smile. Even many women hate/despise them... if you're a black chinese (exists but rare even in that 1.5bn people) you're treated like an untouchable alien,are treated with a mix of pitty and disgust.
This is 2019
At peace time
If the Chinese go to war with us -they will dehumsnize much of the world much faster than even nazi Germany did. Keep in mind, even in Germany today you have black people in their equivalent of congress. China is 100% Chinese in all political leadership roles. You will be invited to do business in China, sure. .they want your money. .you'll get the nights out of sad business meetings. .you'll get the deals done. .you'll get past the extortion. .sure all possible. . But why? Vietnam next door is much more relaxed and their gdp grows much more and they love white people and are more accepting of black people. (They don't like black people almost nowhere in Asia including India. .so keep that in mind when you read fake news stories about racism in the US... It doesn't even compare. .I'm talking real racism in Asia. Hate on white people and your own society as much as you want, but go live in China for a few months even. .you will never call white people - Americans or Europeans- racist that quickly again and you will learn that in fact other nations and races are far far more racist. But. ..ignorance is bliss
Earth to space, no one buys from US because of equality. It depends on the quality and our trade, political,and cultural connections. From Swedish fan of WNU
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