Friday, July 5, 2019

Turkish President Erdogan Accuses U.S. Of 'Robbery' In Not Delivering F-35s

Erdogan and Trump discussed the US-Turkish relations last weekend in Japan on the sidelines of a G20 summit [Anadolu]

Al Jazeera: Erdogan: US scrapping F-35 jet deal with Turkey would be robbery

Ankara faces new strains in US relationship over upcoming delivery of Russian S-400 missile system.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said it would be "robbery" for the United States to deny Turkey the F-35 fighter jets it has bought, according to remarks published in Turkish media.

"If you have a customer and that customer is making payments like clockwork, how can you not give that customer their goods? The name of that would be robbery," the national Hurriyet newspaper quoted Erdogan as saying on Thursday, as Turkey faces potential US sanctions over its purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Some are speculating on why the U.S. has not imposed sanctions on Turkey .... Washington Intel: Why Washington still hasn't sanctioned Turkey over Russian missile purchase (Al-Monitor). But for the Turks, they are expecting the worse .... Turkey Reportedly Hoarding Spare F-16 Parts As It Faces Sanctions Over S-400 Purchases (Warzone/The Drive).

More News On Turkish President Erdogan Accusing The U.S. Of 'Robbery' In Not Delivering F-35s

Erdogan says a US refusal to give F-35s to Turkey would be ‘robbery’: Hurriyet -- Al Arabiya/Reuters
Erdogan Accuses US of Engaging in 'Robbery' Amid Non-Delivery of Turkey's F-35s -- Sputnik
US refusal to give F-35s to Turkey would be ‘robbery’ – Erdogan -- RT


Anonymous said...

Someone is getting robbed in the f-35 deal, and it's not Turkey...

Gloria Scott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Where’s bob’s very insightful comment on this topic? Can’t wait to get her opinion “...”

Anonymous said...

I think he does that to receive notifications of comments.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 5:08

Yes to receive notifications of comments, but also the ... enables me to store the Editor's often quite numerious links on a variety of interesting news articles etc., for when I have more time to surf. This site is quite unique in providing that feature. Often, after reading it, I end up saving a particular link indefinitely and use it when posting on other sites. The rest get trashed eventually.

Also, if I post something I want the other Anon to read I have a way of knowing if he read my post. It works fairly often and sometimes lets me know what he thought of the comment.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

6:36 had it completely right.