Friday, July 12, 2019

U.S. Intelligence Community Pushes Back On The Department Of Justice's Russia-Gate Investigation

Leah Millis/Reuters

Politico: ‘This wasn’t just a briefing’: Pompeo grilled CIA analysts on Russia findings

The DOJ is now reviewing those same findings after Mike Pompeo found no wrongdoing in how the agency concluded Russia wanted to help Trump in 2016.

Attorney General Bill Barr has ordered an investigation into whether the CIA was correct to determine that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to boost Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

But that question has already been asked and answered at the CIA’s highest levels — by Mike Pompeo, a Trump loyalist, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Just after Pompeo took over as CIA director in 2017, he conducted a personal review of the CIA’s findings, grilling analysts on their conclusions in a challenging and at times combative interview, these people said. He ultimately found no evidence of any wrongdoing, or that the analysts had been under political pressure to produce their findings.

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WNU Editor: Here is another report quoting anonymous sources within the intelligence community who are pushing back on a Department of Justice investigation on how did they make their determination that the Kremlin made a decision to assist candidate Trump to win the election. Here is an easy prediction. Their push-back is going to fail. This blog has stated numerous times that because of the severity of the accusations and its impact on the Presidency for the past two and a half years, a full disclosure on every aspect of this case should be made public. I find it astounding that aside from some evidence that a Russian troll farm spent around $100,000 on Facebook, no other evidence has been presented. Should we take the intel community's word for it? Considering its impact and the lingering cloud that hangs over President Trump's head. My answer is no.


Anonymous said...

My favorite WNU is a BUTTHURT WNU.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Weak. Nothing of use. Be better.

fred said...

New Senate Intelligence Committee report backs up the intel community's findings on Russian election meddling and flies in the face of Trump's attacks

Anonymous said...


jimbrown said...

Putin wanted Trump is one stake in the Trump Russia collusion disinformation campaign.

He bought HRC with $145 m. He wanted her to win. The disinformation campaign was the only way he could help.