Thursday, July 11, 2019

Washington's Diplomatic Corps Disdains President Trump

New York Times: ‘It Could Have Been Any of Us’: Disdain for Trump Runs Among Ambassadors

WASHINGTON — Ask members of the Washington diplomatic corps about the cables that Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, wrote to London describing the dysfunction and chaos of the Trump administration, and their response is uniform: We wrote the same stuff.

“Yes, yes, everyone does,” Gérard Araud, who retired this spring as the French ambassador, said on Wednesday morning of his own missives from Washington. “But fortunately I knew that nothing would remain secret, so I sent them in a most confidential manner.”

So did Mr. Darroch, who, alone and with Mr. Araud, tried to navigate the minefield of serving as the chief representative of longtime American allies to a president who does not think much of the value of alliances.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: As Roger Kimball writes in the following post, the expectation in Washington's diplomatic corp during the 2016 Presidential election was the same as the American media's expectation, candidate Trump was going to be re-soundly defeated by Hillary Clinton .... ‘We will no longer deal with him’ was the end of Sir Kim Darroch (Spectator). Many staked their reputations on it, and I could only imagine the embarrassment and the explanations that they had to do when President Trump won. Flash forward to today, the focus from the media is on Sir Kim Darroch's remarks that President Trump's administration is dysfunctional. But considering how wrong they have been in the past three years, maybe the real focus should be on how dysfunctional Washington's diplomatic corp has become.


RussInSoCal said...

Another sniveling, elitist hit piece from the NYT. Echoing the sniveling, elitist diplomatic corps that infests Washington DC.

I find Trump's bluntness and bravado utterly delightful. Anyone who can offend the delicate sensibilities of these effete backstabbers the way Trump has so successfully done is doing it right.



Anonymous said...

the world is wrong and you and trump are right

Anonymous said...

"Another sniveling, elitist hit piece from the NYT"


Yes, you are 100% exacto-mundo correct!

This is the same rat-bastards at the NYT that opine that the world does not need Air conditioners (A/C), while the have an A/C that has a 6,000+ ton capacity.

After pulling shit like that is there any reason to take the rat-finks at the NYT seriously?

Anonymous said...

Do Americans Need Air-Conditioning? - The New York Slime

Anti-Air Conditioning ‘New York Times’ Enjoys 6250-Ton Cooling System

Is the New York Slime to be taken seriously?

The NYT should be cordoned of by police, a wall built and a team of psychiatrists and psychologists should enter and start treatment of the so called journalists there.

NYT readers who believe their tripe should be shipped their to join them.

Anonymous said...

Foggy Bottom is used in conjunction with the State Department and diplomats in general and not in a kind way.

The Dips do not have the foggiest notion of up or down or right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

blame Trumps stup[idity, dislike by all diplomats on NY Times?
now that is trumpian for sure
the paper is still considered the paper of record trump's record is over ten thousand known and proven lies!

Roger Young said...

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