Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Why Is The Iranian Stock Market Booming?

Iran's stock market is thriving, despite US sanctions which have battered its economy AFP

France 24: Iran traders ride bull market despite US sanctions

Iran's stock market is thriving, despite US sanctions which have battered its economy and an uncertain future as geopolitical tensions soar in the Gulf.

Tehran Stock Exchange was buzzing Monday after the latest spike in a 12-month bull market, which veteran trader Mohsen said was mostly caused by the crash of Iran's currency, the rial.

"Share values are not growing because of profitability but because of the companies' asset values," which have spiked on a drastically weaker currency, he said.

The energetic 58-year-old said he had "seen it all" in three decades of trading at the exchange in central Tehran.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is not booming for the right reasons. Five or so years ago the top stock market in the world was Venezuela's. The reason why the Iranian stock market is booming is (like Venezuela's five years ago) because of inflation and the collapse in the value of their money..


Anonymous said...

Trump tax break for the very wealthy?

Anonymous said...

Good Grief .... another Liberal blaming Trump for another thing.

Anonymous said...

seems trumpians have little or no sense of humor

Bob Huntley said...


RussInSoCal said...

/Making Iran great again!