Saturday, August 10, 2019

Can Robots Make An Army Platoon 10 Times As Effective?

Robots like this could improve the situational awareness of a platoon, especially if autonomous and paired with intelligence-processing systems and able to communicate clearly with human teammates. (Patrick Albright / Army)

C4IRSNet: Can robots make an Army platoon 10 times as effective?

Are humans with robots an order of magnitude better than humans without robots? It’s the question the Army’s Maneuver Center for Excellence is hoping to solve through trial and experimentation. The National Advanced Mobility Consortium posted a request for white papers Aug. 5 about technologies that might have a place in a robotic, artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy technology demonstration at Fort Benning in September 2020.

This project is long in the works, with an announcement of intent dating back to March 2019. The premise, as stated in the March announcement, is to “show a path towards an Army capability that will provide a robotically equipped dismounted infantry platoon that is 10 times more effective than the current dismounted infantry platoon.”

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WNU Editor: Any additional support, even robots, will make a platoon more effective.


Jb said...

We got human robots but with souls you fool

Roger Smith said...

More expensive, logistics heavy, whiz bang stuff immeasurably vulnerable to an illiterate with an rpg. Or a sniper rifle. How about a can of expanding insulative foam from the hardware store?

Anonymous said...

How about paint ball on the sensor array?

Roger Smith said...

Anon 10:49 AM,

I assume the paint is water and not oil based. The environment, you know.

Anonymous said...

Latex of course. Heh!