Thursday, August 15, 2019

China's Information War Against Hong Kong's Protesters Is Working

Steven Lee Myers & Paul Mozur, The Independent: China’s information war is trying to turn its citizens against Hong Kong protesters

China has manipulated the context of images and videos to undermine the protesters

When a projectile struck a Hong Kong woman in the eye this week as protesters clashed with the police, China responded quickly.

Its state television network reported that the woman had been injured not by one of the police’s beanbag rounds, but by a protester.

The network’s website went further: it posted what it said was a photo of the woman counting out cash on a Hong Kong sidewalk – insinuating, as Chinese reports have claimed before, that the protesters are merely paid provocateurs.

The assertion was more than just spin or fake news. The Communist Party exerts overwhelming control over media content inside China’s so-called Great Firewall.

It is now using it as a cudgel in an information war over the Hong Kong protests.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Chinese are masters when it comes to using disinformation and propaganda.  China's 'Great Firewall' insures that an opposing view can never be introduced, and we are seeing it right now in real time when it comes to Hong Kong (see above video)..


Anonymous said...

The Internet is the biggest preventer of War and corruption. Only the Internet and its uncontrolled access will allow all of humanity to communicate and understand each other... China is like a cell in your body that is mutating, cutting itself off with their firewall. That's exactly whet happens with cancer. A cut off cell that no longer responds/gets information and mutates and eventually kills the host. We all know that the Chinese model will fail. We have seen it in history again and again. People want to be free. It is natural. Anyone who opposes this is an enemy of humanity itself. No one, and I mean no one, not Trump and certainly not Xi, it's allowed to take that away. All Chinese I know hate the firewall. They know they are being lied to. Especially in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is very very technology focused. Very good at information technology .they know how to get around it. And I don't mean the easy vpn way (which by the way is no longer the easy way) I'm not so sure if this will work. But what will work is the replacement strategy. The Chinese mainland is 1.5bn people. They can just keep sending more hardliners from mainland and replace those pesky HK chinese who want freedom

Bob Huntley said...


Jac said...

Joseph Goebbels would be jealous of this propaganda.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat/MSM/Google Party come very close to China's achievement.

Anonymous said...

right, anon
the intelligent world is wrong and you and other school dropouts
are right