Thursday, August 29, 2019

Chinese Military Strategists Believe Asian Countries Will Choose China Over The U.S.

Ren Guoqiang, a Chinese defence ministry spokesman, says the country remains “resolute” in protecting its rights and interests. Photo: Handout

SCMP: Chinese military figures cast doubt on US plans to build more bases in Asia-Pacific

* US Defence Secretary Mark Esper says Pentagon wants to expand presence in region, but PLA strategists suggest countries may not want to sacrifice relations with China
* Beijing has already warned of countermeasures if American missiles are stationed in the region and the latest plans threaten to up the ante

Chinese military analysts have questioned whether the United States will be able to realise its plans to build more military bases in Asia.

Beijing has already reacted angrily to plans to base intermediate-range missiles in the region, saying it “will not stand idly by” if the US does so.

Ren Guoqiang, a spokesman from the Chinese Ministry of National Defence, said on Thursday that China was paying close attention to the latest US plans.

“The US side should be careful with its words and deeds,” Ren said. “China remains resolute in protecting our legitimate rights and interests, as well as peace and security in the region.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is Chinese hubris on display for all to see.


Carl said...

Chinese hubris, you say? But the Chinese don't have a doctrine that says we're the world's sole superpower and we're not going to tolerate any challenge to our status as the sole superpower. That's the US doctrine dating back to Dick Cheney's 1992 draft defense planning guidance which has now been wreaking havoc on the world for nearly 30 years.

RussInSoCal said...

You have a good point there Carl...

oh wait, no you don't.

I guess the world would be a much better place with a Nazi Germany. Or an Imperial Japan. Or a Soviet Union. And definitely better with an Ethno-Fascist Communist China, right? /Since the USA is so capitalist and racist and all.

One thing we do have is a society that has produced decadent and lazy demographic. One with so little challenge or worry that a significant portion of our citizens hate their own country. Where they allow themselves to be indoctrinated into a state of self-loathing and entitlement. They spend their time conjuring wrongs and evils perpetrated by the system they demand so much from.

Your comment illustrates the contemptible lack of understanding of history and the long line of ACTUAL evils perpetrated by the regimes I mentioned above.

The USA is a force for good. Has been for the last 100 years or so.

Anonymous said...

you are not sure what you mean...we are bad bad bad and we are good good are confused confused confused

Anonymous said...

What country are you from Anti-Troll?

You won't say. You just want to hide in the grass like a snake and snipe.

Anonymous said...

Those Chinese "strategists" are delusional to the extreme, or they want to talk up a good game.

If they however truly believe this, they are borderline insane and don't read any news and have not travelled to any Asian country (other than north Korea). I have travelled and stayed prolonged times to ~10 of them

Almost no significant Asian country - will side with China. They didn't side with China even at the height of the Chinese economy.

Vietnam: HATE china, almost at war

India: hates China, almost at war

All muslim majority countries in Asia Pakistan, Singapore etc) despise the Chinese party for their hatred of religion. They will NOT side with china

Japan: strong US partner - was previously at war with China and is always at the edge of war with them, incl economic war. They will not side with China

Australia - US partner and culturally / ethnically related to UK. They will not side with China!

New Zealand - same story - will not side with china

Philippines- constantly in trouble with china, deeply religious Christians and strong US connection. They will not side with China

Malaysia: currently in strong disputes with China. They are very much western oriented like Singapore

Thailand- will also not sude with china

Wtf are these "strategists" on? I want some of those delusional drugs haha


Utter fools! But that's what happens to hive minds who barely get out of their country. They live in their bubble and probably haven't noticed how the Chinese century crashed and burned in front of their house like a bag of dog shit set on flames..just unbelievable. .tells you a lot about freedom of thought in China. They will make very dangerous (for us and more so for them) miscalculations

Silver eagle said...

China wants complete control of the South China Sea( since it’s called the South China Sea they think they own it lol) and many Asian countries depends on this sea for all kinds of things so why would any one of these Asian countries support China when China actually threatens their whole way of life... they won’t

Anonymous said...

@carl well actually they do.. check their old 2025 goals - which have been now adjusted since Trump got into office

And on top the Chinese forbid religion.

Further the Chinese party does not tolerate other opinions. Just ask the Hong Kong book dealers. True fascism! They do to book dealers what we do to head-chopping terrorists in Guantanamo.

On top they have concentration camps already - just ask the Urdus. But you probably call US border holding facilities for illegal immigrants "concentration camps". Good CNN boy you are. Go repeat the lines. Good programming they did with you. Good boy. All the same to you. No thought process. Not been there. Don't know shit.

On top the chinese stole trillions over the last decades from the US Europe and Japan /AZ. Or are they all lying? Right.

Have you been to China? I have. Many times. So please stfu and try again.

On top chinese leadership and the entire party is 100% ethno Chinese and has deep racist tendencies. Especially to blacks and other Asian ethnicities. But you call half of America racist. You have never witnessed racism first hand it seems. Go to China. Come on. Just go. Prove me wrong!

Further China is currently the biggest environment polluter. I've seen it first hand what it's like when the air is so dirty and sticky you cannot find your car sometimes. How the light of your headlights barely gets through 5 meters.

But you cnn watcher just run your mouth. It sickens me how easily you are programed.might as well watch RT. Almost as bad as CNN. RT at least still understand humour. Cnn even lost that in their virtue signaling.

All virtue signallers I know usually have done something really horrible in their life. .think about the cnn crew. Lemon gay dude who sexually assaulted someone. Richard Quest,gay dude who was found by police in a park with a rope around his neck and testicles ,Meth in his pocket and a sex toy in his boot. Cuomo tried to use the race card on a film joke and threatened to beat someone up for the same joke he made prior about Fredo. The list is endless. Lemon is also friends with Smollet who tried to advance his career on the back of an entire race. Guess where he learned that?

Thanks for playing, Carl. Perhaps switch the f*cking channel you might learn some thing ;)

Roger Smith said...

Hey Carl,

How do you know what the innermost workings of the Chinese government are? You fully well know you are not privy to what goes on behind closed doors in the innermost sanctums of that government. You also know they wouldn't as a rule divulge what is said in the first place.
I think the pressure they are experiencing trying to keep the status quo of the kerry/obamma years and earlier is why we are likely seeing more openness in their statements. Pressure, pressure.
You come across as the upset owner of too many bridge deeds in a certain American city and are now finding the cost of repairs. Did you bet too heavily on the Chinese stock market in the last few years? If so you obviously didn't know the Chinese psyche.

Anonymous said...

RussinSocall even on a bad day outwits you easily, antitroll. I've not seen one good post by you

Anonymous said...

"Chinese hubris, you say? But the Chinese don't have a doctrine that says we're the world's sole superpower and we're not going to tolerate any challenge to our status as the sole superpower. That's the US doctrine dating back to Dick Cheney's 1992 draft defense planning guidance which has now been wreaking havoc on the world for nearly 30 years."

Sure, whatever. I hope the lefty rag got all your subscription money.

B.Poster said...

Ultimately who the smaller countries side with IMHO is based upon very simple metrics. Who do they think is going to win the conflict, the US or China? IMHO under Trump there appears to be a real possibility that the US might actually win this. As long as they think China can be defeated and the US can do it, there is a real possibility they might not side with China.