Sunday, August 18, 2019

Leaked U.K. Brexit Document Predicts 'Catastrophic Collapse' Of Infrastructure If A No Deal Brexit Occurs On October 31

Daily Mail: No Deal Brexit doomsday dossier is 'Project Fear scaremongering' say ministers after documents predict fuel, food and medicine shortages and Irish border chaos on Oct 31

* A secret Whitehall dossier outlines possible pandemonium in a No Deal Brexit
* Operation Yellowhammer casts a dark shadow over proposed October 31 exit
* Hard border in Ireland, fuel, medicine and food shortages are anticipated
* News comes as Boris Johnson prepares to meet EU leaders at the G7 this week
* Energy minister Kwasi Kwarteng said fears around no deal was 'scaremongering'
* MP Iain Duncan Smith said the leak of documents was designed to 'sow fear'
* Brexiteer Nigel Farage said the document was so extreme it was not believable

Business and energy minister Kwasi Kwarteng has dismissed concerns over potential fuel, food and medicine shortages in the event of a no deal Brexit as 'scaremongering'.

It comes after a secret dossier filed by the Cabinet Office, called Operation Yellowhammer, exposed the areas that could be most vulnerable if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on October 31.

The explosive revelations marked 'official-sensitive' include the expectation of a return of a hard border in Ireland due to the inability to roll-out the government's proposed limited checks, and shortages of fuel, medicine and food.

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WNU Editor: The leak is blamed on a former minister .... Die-hard Remainer Philip Hammond's camp is blamed for leaking Project Fear 2.0 dossier as its predictions of No Deal Brexit chaos on October 31 are dismissed as 'not believable' and 'scaremongering' (Daily Mail).

Update: The first steps towards Brexi has begun .... Brexit Begins: Stephen Barclay signs 'commencement order' formally starting the process that will take Britain out of the EU on October 31 whatever happens (Daily Mail).

More News On Brexit

Brexit: leaked papers predict food shortages and port delays -- The Guardian
UK faces food and fuel shortages in no-deal Brexit, says leaked plan -- CNN
UK faces food, fuel and drug shortages, says contested leaked document -- Reuters
Leaked Brexit Document Predicts 'Catastrophic Collapse' Of UK Infrastructure -- NPR
Brexit: No-deal dossier shows worst-case scenario - Gove -- BBC
UK prepares for Brexit's worst: food, fuel and drug shortages -- FOX News
'Ruthless and organised' Labour and Tory MPs opposed to No Deal Brexit plan 'radical' new law to block it -- Daily Mail
Boris Johnson savages the saboteurs: PM accuses Philip Hammond and co of 'gravely damaging' Britain's national interest as government signs landmark Brexit 'commencement order' to end rule of EU law on October 31 -- Daily Mail


B.Poster said...

All the opponents of Brexit appear to have is fear mongering. The supporters of Brexit offer hope of a better future. IMHO this is why they won initially.

When given a choice of bettering yourself, your loved ones, freedom and opportunity over the failed status quo that remain was offering, people will generally not choose the failed status quo unless they can be manipulated into acting against their interests. Remain has/had a very slick messaging machine.

I'm not British and can't speak for them but IMHO they'd be wise to reject the hysterical fear mongering of remain in the EU. Once freed from the regulatory shackles of the EU, I could envision the British economy really taking off and British national security would probably be enhanced as well.

IMHO Brexit is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Others will follow. The EU is a doomed entity. IMHO, when it finally goes, GOOD RIDDANCE!!

Hans Persson said...

It's not doomed. Small country's like Sweden will never leave the EU.

Unknown said...

My 81 Yr old mother remembers being a child in Edinburgh when it was bombed by the Germans. Project Fear will have to improve some to put the wind up her.

Bob Huntley said...

It is all relative.

Roger Smith said...

I think the Brits will do just fine in time. Especially if they reduce or at least freeze the red ink legislation tendencies of the not too distant past and cease the solar/wind tower spending to lower their costs and increase competiveness in the world economy.
And, of course, chill their brew.


B.Poster said...

"Small country's like Sweden will never leave the EU." As long as it only consists of small countries, it won't be a threat to anyone nor will it be able to coerce America into representing its interests against its own.

Essentially the EU is the vehicle through which Germany and France achieve their rulersip and dominance over western Europe that they couldn't achieve through war. America has largely been a slave to this against our own interests. President Trump has rightly questioned the wisdom of such subservience to those who don't like us and would harm us with great pleasure and perverse jow.

Maybe we should have "Swexit" with Sweden and other "small countries" leaving the EU. It makes little sense to me to link one's future and that of their ones to a failing entity. Perhaps Sweden wants to be the EU and hold down the proverbial fort in slavish subservience to France and Germany. It's to bad really. Most Americans look up to and admire Sweden. Many of us want to be you. To choose to support our EU enemy over us would be most tragic for us. We need you but if you are going to be an enemy you must be cut off from us!! If freed from the EU yoke, you could probably make peace with Russia .

IMHO President Trump is wise to question the wisdom of tne EU and to support BREXIT. I'm thinking Italy and Greece will be the first to exit the EU with more to follow.

Essentially France and Germany will eat Sweden alive should it chooxe to "remain." Of source at that point Germans and French may choose to leave. So if Sweden will "never leave" so be it. Keep the spirit of failure and oppression alive!! At least no one can be hurt. No offense Sweden and a few so called small countries as the only members of the failing EU would be quite humorous actually and to think most Americans want to be Sweden!! Be the last member of the EU!! Perhaps America should simply be America instead of being subservient to everyone else!!

Anonymous said...

The EU is a good idea. It is the execution that sucks.

The white mandarin assholes rushed the project among other faults. Southern Europe (Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal) had no business being in the union. They cooked the financial books to make the fiscal requirements to join.