Saturday, August 10, 2019

President Trump Says North Korean Leader Kim Has Apologized For Missile Tests And Wants To Continue Negotiations. Agrees With The North Korean Leader That US-South Korea Military Exercises Are 'Ridiculous,'

The Hill: Trump calls US-South Korea military exercises 'ridiculous,' says he'll meet with Kim Jong Un on denuclearization soon

President Trump said Saturday that he plans to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "in the not too distant future," alluding to a third possible summit between the two to leaders discuss denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Trump tweeted early Saturday that Kim had sent him a letter seeking a meeting to start negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang following the conclusion of the United States's joint exercises with South Korea.

"It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises," Trump wrote, adding that Kim apologized for testing short range missiles and claimed the "testing would stop when the exercises end."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am sure they will be meeting again, and probably a few times in the next year. As for President Trump's remarks on military exercises. They are expensive to hold but they are not "ridiculous". They are necessary to keep a military prepared to meet any conflict.

More News On President Trump's Remarks On North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un's Letter

Trump: Kim wants to meet again, apologized for missile tests -- AP
Trump: Kim says ready to restart talks when U.S.-South Korea joint drills end -- Reuters
Trump insists Kim Jong Un has APOLOGIZED for testing missiles in his letter and stated 'very nicely' that he would like to resume negotiations when joint US-South Korea military exercises end -- Daily Mail
Trump says Kim will stop short-range missile tests when US-South Korean drills end -- CNBC
Donald Trump says he's looking forward to another meeting with Kim Jong Un following missile tests -- USA Today
Trump says he looks forward to seeing Kim Jong Un 'in the not too distant future' -- CNN
Trump Says North Korea's Kim Wants To Meet Again -- RFE
Trump again sides with Kim Jong Un over long-time ally as North Korea fires off more missiles -- Business Insider
Trump sides with Kim criticism of US-SKorea war games -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Trump is really getting off easy here from a critical point of view.

As I said before, this is just North Korea playing Trump.

There will very likely, almost guaranteed, to be more missile launches later. Kim Jong Un apologizing for the launches is not a commitment to stopping them, it is strategic appeasement. Nothing more.

And it is working.

Bob Huntley said...

Working for sure.

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Anonymous said...

As long as both leaders are talking. There is progress.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. "Churchill"


fazman said...

That's not progress, that's being played.