Tuesday, August 20, 2019

This Is How A Marine Corps Sniper Put A Bullet In A Target Nearly 8,000 Feet Away

A US Marine Corps sniper sighting in with the Mk13 Mod 7 sniper rifle at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. US Marine Corps/Staff Sgt. Bryan Nygaard

Business Insider: A US Marine Corps sniper sighting in with the Mk13 Mod 7 sniper rifle at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia. US Marine Corps/Staff Sgt. Bryan Nygaard

* Snipers are defined, at least in part, by their ability to put precision fire on a target at great — sometimes extreme — distances.
* Staff Sgt. Hunter Bernius, a veteran Marine Corps scout sniper who runs an advanced urban sniper training course, walked INSIDER through his most technically difficult shot, which involved shooting at a target 2,300 meters (1.4 miles, or 7,545 feet) away.
* At that distance, it takes the bullet roughly six to eight seconds to reach the target, so the sniper must factor in wind, direction, time of day, the spindrift of the round — and even the rotation of the Earth.

US military snipers have to be able to make the hard shots, the seemingly impossible shots. They have to be able to push themselves and their weapons.

Staff Sgt. Hunter Bernius, a veteran Marine Corps scout sniper who runs an advanced urban sniper training course, walked INSIDER through his most technically difficult shot: He fired a bullet into a target roughly 2,300 meters (1.4 miles, or 7,545 feet) away with a .50-caliber sniper rifle.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am over joyed if I can hit a target 200m away. But 2,300m!!!!! That is an incredible  accomplishment.


Roger Smith said...

Anyone and some things can pull a trigger. Just look at Baltimore, Detroit, etc. But hitting that target despite all the factors impacting where that bullet ends up.....I mean the earth's rotation included!!!
I don't think these are folks who walk from their air conditioned home to their air conditioned automobile to their air conditioned workplace and complain about global warming making life soooooo unpleasant.

Too bad the robot screener about to tell me I need to try again 'cuz it sees four buses where three exist didn't go to sniper school first.

Ethan Mills said...

what a distance! I am actually attending a long-range shooting school myself to help practice my long-range accuracy. https://www.thompsonlongrange.com/