Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

"Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney says his officers “need help with gun control,” taking aim at state and federal lawmakers who he says “don’t want to stand up to the NRA” and “preempt” local officials on gun control legislation."

Christ, that's pathetic. There's no "gun control" laws on the books that would have prevented the perp's AR-15 from getting into his hands. Betcha he didn't even "purchase it legally after passing a background check". Likely traded a kilo of cocaine for his whole arsenal.

Again, who cares? Philly is a Dem stronghold. Reliably Dem just like L.A., Baltimore, Chicago, etc. Dems get their population no matter what the failed condition of the city. Nothing will change, nobody cares.

An exciting news cycle. A pathetic mayor mouthing the prescribed talking points. "Gun control, gun control, we support the po-lice". Then immediately back to the standard failed state of affairs.



Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

phucking misfit
who cares ? this is your country. many care. not just those like you in trailer park

Anonymous said...

6 police shot and who cares?
are you a total asshole? yep

Anonymous said...

RC is correct.

1.) There are already enough laws on the books to prosecute this guy. He was prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced by a wet noodle judge

2.) It was an AK-47 not an AR-15, but RC's basic point stands. He got his weapon illegally and probably traded drugs for it.

An AK47 can be made with a very small simple machine shop. Most of it is stampings, which is very low tech. Parrot would not know this because, it is functionally illiterate, technically illiterate and innumerate. All Parrot wants to do is to look up new pics and to learn anything new that is worthwhile.

3.) Democrats and other phuckers have had a war on cops, since Obama's beer summit.

It would not surprise me if the parrots favorite saying is"

"Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon."

Why do I believe it? Because parrot is a "phucking misfit", who lives in the equivalent of a trailer park.

Murder rate has gone up since Jim Kenney (D) was elected mayor.

The crime rate is higher than 94.4% of American cities.

Way to goooooooo Democrats

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Yup 6 police shot and Democrats do not care.

They might mouth the words, but they do not mean it and do nothing effective.

Anonymous said...

Why are you hiding again Squirrel? Your career is reflected in your grammar. You certainly have a fascination with trailer parks how come?

Anonymous said...

Is that where he got lucky?