Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

Trump Did Not Represent the U.S. at the G-7
His comments on Obama and Crimea show he has no national loyalty.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:22

do you really, honestly believe this, OR are you mind-programmed by CNN?

I don't like DJT, BUT, he is the one who addresses China - the single biggest human rights violator on Earth. The single biggest economic cheater on Earth. The single biggest military threat to the US on Earth. The single biggest threat on Earth with regards to our way of life.

Are you delusional? Is being buddies with Obama so important to you? Is virtue signalling so important to you? If so, why? What have you done? I know virtue signallers.. they often have bones in their closets, that's why they bend over to look good and decent, while millions are in concentration camps in China. While people are in tortue halls. While they are forcefully relocated. While billions (if not trillions) are stolen from you every few years in IP, Industrial Theft and copyright infringments.

Where was Obama?
Have you been to China?

If not, respectfully, please think and switch channels. You are not helping with virtue signalling. Thank you for considering

Anonymous said...

Obama was not and is not loyal to America.

So if Trump dissed Obama, it shows DJT's loyalty.

Obama is a snake oil salesman.

"Sandy's strength and angle of approach combined to produce a record storm surge of water into New York City. The surge level at Battery Park topped 13.88 feet at 9:24 p.m. Monday, surpassing the 10.02 feet record water level set by Hurricane Donna in 1960."

If global warming is only going to get worse per the warmunistas, Obama would not buy a house a mere 10 feet about sea level.

But Obama has not changed his spots. As Senator he was for clean coal/carbon sequestration. As president he was not. Obama will lie and not be the least bit bothered by it.