Monday, August 12, 2019

U.S. Congress Now Favors The Creation Of 'Space Force'

A ULA Atlas V rocket carrying a U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center mission launched Thursday at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Walter Scriptunas II/Courtesy United Launch Alliance

NPR: With Congressional Blessing, Space Force Is Closer To Launch

It started as a joke.

Early last year, President Trump riffed on an idea he called "Space Force" before a crowd of Marines in San Diego.

It drew laughs, but the moment was a breakthrough for a plan that had languished for nearly 20 years.

"I said maybe we need a new force, we'll call it the Space Force," Trump said at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in March 2018. "And I was not really serious. Then I said, 'What a great idea, maybe we'll have to do that.'"

But now, under a new name and with Congress' support, Space Force is closer to becoming a new military reality. It would be the first new military service in more than 70 years.

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WNU Editor: When President Trump mentioned last year the need to create a "Space Force", there was derision in the media, Congress, and opposition in the Pentagon. Today .... Congress is now definitely committed to the creation of this new military service .... Top SASC Democrat sees momentum building for a space force (Space News). As to why this shift in support to create this new military service? I think there is a growing realization that the militarization of space is now a given, and that both China and Russia have also reached the same conclusion. Hence the decision to create and mandate a military service just dedicated to space.


Anonymous said...

Trump was ahead of the curve, but that does not stop the wingnuts and arch-liberals from critcising his push for a Space Force.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But but but Congress is in hands of evil Democrats..must be a trick

Anonymous said...

If we cannot get our act together before reaching into space I hope we get stopped for the sake of others... this giving in into real Politik "it is what it is ", this inevitability thinking drives us to the edge of extinction. All sides, Russia China USA India will be next

Anonymous said...


True and you had a point? What was it?

The idea has been around long enough that Obozo could have proposed it during his 1st or 2nd term, but he didn;t.

Obungles was so stupid that he could not figure out how to get in space without paying the Russians.

To be fair Obama wrecked NASA so after that a Space Force is just pie in the sky.

Obungles the Muslim slashed the NASA budget while doubling and then tripling giveaways to Pakistan. Got to take of the bro's and Obama did.

I don't expect Trump (or any leader) to come up with all or most of the new or good ideals. I expect him to judiciously choose the best ones.

So Parrot boy did you have a valid point?

Jb said...


Anonymous said...

Jb have you taken an IQ test recently? If you have, can you compare it to a previous one, to see any trends?

Remember proper punctuation is your friend.

Also, if you really believe in G-d you should be more upbeat. After all no permanent harm can come to you. You will be resurrected.

Anonymous said...

anon: jb may be a are a piece of shit, a low life who overestimates your cleverness, confusing a lousy home upbringing with class.

Anyone calling Obama a Muslim is like Trump now saying the Clintons had Epstein killed. You, like Trump, are a waste product
as for the point which I made and you missed: I simply pointed out that Trump did not himself come up with the idea...But your parents failed in what they dumped on the world so no surprise that you continue dribbling your shit

Anonymous said...

Obama visited all his siblings in Kenya except the Christian one.

The prettiest sound to Obama is the call of the Muezzin

Obama says you should not slander Islam, but never said the same about Judaism or Christianity.

Why did Obama increase aid to Pakistan when they are such shitty, two-faced, double dealing allies?

Obozo doubled and tripled aid to Pakistan and they still bent us over and put us away wet.

Obungles went to a church in Chicago so build political power. If a mosque had given him more power than a church , he would have went there and been much more comfortable.

In Indonesia Barak Sotero was registered as a Muslim.

According to Muslim law, Barak is Muslim.

What have you got 1:35 PM except your stupendous store of stupidity?