Saturday, August 10, 2019

U.S. Secretary Of State Pompeo: Trump Administration Pressure Is Weakening Iran’s Regime

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Europeans did 'nothing' to support the US in pressuring Iran over its ballistic missile program

Michael Pompeo, USA Today: Trump administration pressure is weakening Iran’s regime

We look forward to the day we can help bring the Iranians and their neighbors the peace and prosperity they deserve

The Trump administration has implemented an unprecedented pressure campaign on Iran’s leaders with two objectives: First, to deprive the Iranian regime of the money it needs to support its destabilizing activities. Second, to force the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to the negotiating table to conclude a comprehensive and enduring deal.

The comprehensive deal we seek with the Iranian regime should address four key areas: its nuclear program, its ballistic missile development and proliferation, its support for terrorist groups and proxies, and its treatment and illegal detention of U.S. citizens.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Sanctions and the other measures that the U.S. has imposed on Iran will take a long time to have an impact. It is too premature to say that the Iran regime is weakening.


Anonymous said...

First rule. Don't get high on your own supply.

Regime change any second now!

Carl said...

There's no reason to doubt that the sanctions, which are wrecking the economy now, are having an effect. The question is whether they'll generate the result that the Trump Administration claims to be seeking, that is, Iranian capitulation to US demands.

Anonymous said...

How's that working 40 years later?