Friday, August 23, 2019

Will The U.S. 'Drown The World' In Oil? U.S. To “Drown The World” In Oil

The U.S. could “drown the world in oil” over the next decade, which, according to Global Witness, would “spell disaster” for the world’s attempts to address climate change.

The U.S. is set to account for 61 percent of all new oil and gas production over the next decade. A recent report from this organization says that to avoid the worst effects of climate change, “we can’t afford to drill up any oil and gas from new fields anywhere in the world.” This, of course, would quickly cause a global deficit, as the world continues to consume around 100 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Predicting oil and gas production years in the future is always a risky business. Case in point. A decade ago everyone was predicting a massive oil shortage. Today is predicting a glut.


Anonymous said...

The Greens were smug in their prediction of Peak Oil despite not really knowing much about the oil and gas business. They felt confident of fossil fuels demise. So they were shocked by fracking success and have responded by hysterical claims of carbon as a a pollutant, an absurd claim since it enables life on planet earth. Since the earth is awash in fossil fuels for 100 years and more, they are trying to get governments to ban it. Greens are terrible people. Ought to banned from politics and academia.

Bob Huntley said...

Starting to sound like Trump.

Anonymous said...

Chicom Bob is way past sounding like an idiot. It passed that long ago and merely continued burning rubber.

Roger Smith said...

Hey Bob,

That recent link you sent to me via this site in response to my request for a link to enlighten me on a recent post of yours had nothing to do with your post! The link I observed was something akin to what I found when I was educating myself about the Clinton Foundation and saw obvious propaganda. I then concluded their "Foundation" had more sand than anything else in it's foundation and that no building inspector was going to allow construction to begin on that baby. Judging by the drop in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the aftermath of HRC being of robbed of her rightful place in American history in the 2016 elections, many others have observed excess sand also and gone elsewhere with their donations.
Nonetheless, I'm assuming this was just a typing mistake and not one of deliberate malice. I too suffer from the transition from pencil to keyboard. This and I spell as I pronounce which leads to uncountable typing errors.
I do appreciate your responding to my request. And yes, I will heed your suggestion I learn to Google.

Your fellow poster,


Roger Smith said...

We can't drill our way to lower fuel prices. B.O. 2015 or thereabouts.

Someone told me wrong. I was misquoted. That's not gas for which they are drilling so I was right. They only found oil as I told them they would. Not gas. The gas comes from me and they ain't gonna be drillin' on me.

Mr. obama, 2019.

Anonymous said...

Another lie or terrible "ANAL"ysis that was pushed for years and years on cnn. That we would be running out of oil. Said so even when fracking was well under way.

In their hive minds of listening to the same old same, old analysts coming from the same old, same old consulting groups (mcKinsey,boston Consulting,bain etc) taught by the same old, same old leftist blabmouths at comfy universities. ...they all parrot the same line and know nothing.

Over and over wrong. I watch cnn exclusively now to understand matters how they are not. How they are perceived in "think tanks" of people isolated from the rest of the world, half insane, half idiotic.

None of them travels. None of them does any real business. None of them does any real work. They have no clue. They are parrots like our own :))

People start to understand. Just look at CNNs ratings. Only the real extreme, hard to save minds keep watching this poison