Sunday, September 1, 2019

Are Canadians Now Better Off Than Most Americans?

Justin Fox, Bloomberg: Most Canadians Are Now Better Off Than Most Americans

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Everybody knows that the U.S. version of capitalism is rougher and tougher than is the norm in other affluent countries. The rich are richer here, the poor poorer and the welfare state less exhaustive. Not surprisingly, the U.S. scores poorly versus other rich nations in terms of health outcomes, education levels and other such metrics.

Defenders of the U.S. approach can point, though, to the fact that per-capita gross domestic product has remained higher in the U.S. than in all but a few small nations with unique characteristics (Qatar, Luxembourg, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, etc.) — so much higher that even with the less-equal income distribution here, most Americans continue to have higher incomes than their peers in other large, affluent countries.

Read more ....

WNU editor: I live in Canada and I travel to the U.S. a lot. My brother lives in the Bay area, and I also get a lot of feedback from him. I would say that Canada's middle class is better off than the American middle class, but the trend has changed in the past 2 or 3 years, and not for the best. Open borders and massive immigration have put strains on the middle class .... from now having people who are willing to work for less, to housing now becoming incredibly expensive (there are only so many homes and immigrants have to live somewhere). It is also incredibly difficult now for Canadians who are in the middle to become more affluent. High taxes and onerous regulations on small businesses make that impossible, and I do not see that changing any time soon (even if the Liberals under Prime Minister Trudeau lose the Federal election this October).


Anonymous said...

I remember the IT guy at uni.

He came to America, because he could find no work in Canada.

Anonymous said...

a man got divorced in Canada. thus all Canadians are getting divorced

Anonymous said...

"According to Statistics, about 2 Canadians move to America for every 1 American that moves to Canada. Considering that there are 300 million inhabitants in the US and around 30 million in Canada, this is a very large difference. The US is also harder to immigrate to which makes it more interesting. Between 2001-2006 (9/11 and Bush years) the numbers of Canadians each year going to the US dropped, but was still about double the number of Americans going north."

Emigration from Canada to the United States from 2000 to 2006

"No, Americans aren't actually flocking to Canada in droves" -CNN

"Why do so many more Canadians (45,000) immigrate to the USA each year than people from the USA (7,500) immigrate to Canada? Are there more opportunities, economic or otherwise, in America?"

45,000 to 7,500 or 6 to 1

If you normalize for population size, 60 Canadians go to America for every American going to Canada

60 to 1

Wow, Liberal Canadians must really stink the place up forcing people to leave their homeland!

Anonymous said...

It is not just Canada that is better off.. Americans (and many who move to America to chase the American dream) are worse off than a bunch of other nation's citizens..


1) Toxic work environment with hyper-politization and PC culture that drives you nuts
2) Barely any worker protection and barely any vacation days (they get if they are luck 12-13 days for starters, while in Germany you get 23+ days for starters AND more national holidays on top!)
3) People who work in Silicon Valley may earn a lot more on paper than say people who work in Paris, London or Singapore, BUT the rent and living costs are so much higher that even if you earn $150-200k/year there, you are sooo much poorer than in the other cool cities
4) GUNS GUNS GUNS.. gun massacres every day.. and you never know when you are next.. gun drills in every major company.. "today we learn how to hide under the desk"
5) Natural catastrophes on many coastal areas, including Hurricane pounding Florida typically
6) Healthcare costs.. if you get cancer or any other major disease in the US and you haven't saved up a million.. you might die poor and miserable despite being in Silicon Valley
7) .. shall I go on?

Living and working in the US is like buying a lottery ticket, you might make it, but most do not. And those who DO make it, pay a price in the form of daily Adderall dosing and what not :D You know, to become a nice corporate drone

Anonymous said...

1) Fault of the Left

2) In Germany I know of a family of 4 and they live in a shoe box.

Two income family living outside of the large metropolitan areas and they have a mere 2 bedrooms. they grew up in a 3 bedroom apartment for 4 people. They had college degrees unlike their parents and they got shit. Progress?

In France I know 5 people living in 2 bedrooms.

4) In Malmo it is bombs, bombs, bombs. Criminals are going to get stuff. The US murder rate would match the UK's, but we have gangs which are coddled by liberals. Liberal politicians actually have meet and greets with gang leaders to ask them to vote for the lib.

Europe crime rate is going up, up, up as they become more multicultural. Berlin for example is a cesspool aka a shit hole.

5) America is going to get hurricanes if it is socialist or capitalist. It is geography. You lose on #5.

6) Canadians come to America for treatment.

"Why Canadians Are Increasingly Seeking Medical Treatment Abroad"

- HuffPo

" In 2014, more than 50,000 Canadians left the country for medical treatment, a 25 percent increase from the previous year."

"Frustrated by long waits, some Canadians are heading to the U.S. for medical treatment." US News>“Canada’s health-care wait times hit new record high, again" - McLean

"Long wait times have become the defining characteristic of Canadian health care"

"Canada’s health-care wait times hit new record high, again" - Fraser Institute

Anonymous said...

More Americans go out of the nation for health care than those coming here for it....only those with money can afford to leave a health system to pay high prices here...the average Canadian does not come here for health care. If you can show otherwise, please do so.
a family in a shoe box? must be big shoes that came in that box
anecdotes of one family this and three that do not show anything but a bias on those posting such things...would you make a science claim based on 4 people studied?

Anonymous said...

I linked the articles.

It can't be that all those thousands of Canadians coming here are all richy rich.

Thus has been going on for a long, long time. KOMO 4 TV ran a story in the early 1990s of Canadian health refugees coming to the state of Washington.

"Four months after her diagnosis, Shamblaw headed to Buffalo, New York, for treatment. But it was too late. She died at the age of 46, leaving behind a husband and three children, as detailed by the Toronto Star."

Yuppers, Shamblaw must have been one of those one-off, richy rich Canadians you were hypothesizing about.

Maybe you should learn English before trolling, since it is not your native language.

shoebox (idiom)

When these families live in apartments, you can assume many of the apartments are of the same shitty shoebox dimensions.

Actually a shrub like you should have as much living space as a borg when it is offline and that would be generous given what you contribute.

Anonymous said...

Putting biases aside, Those leaving Canada for health care and those leaving US for health care. Though many do go out of Canada, if they can afford it, more come to Canada for health care than leave Canada for care. Many or most anti Canada posts or comments never deal with numbers but simply make unsubstatiated statements.

Anonymous said...

So some Canadian doctors work full or part time outside of the Canadian government system and you are crowing about how that makes the govt system great?

You are loonier than I 1st imagined.

Anonymous said...

A first! Obama, a black man, became not just a president but a very successful and loved president. And so a right wing site notes that scammers have his picture hanging up..of course. Pride. much as Trump hangs a portrait of Andrew Jackson, known for his killing of the native Americans hanging in the oval office. Or alt right wear MAGA hats etc

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act lessons -

Anonymous said...

Detained Immigrants Claim They Were Forced to Work Without Pay | Capital & Main
N.Y. Republicans rush to challenge indicted incumbent Collins in deep red district

Anonymous said...

We have a president who last week claimed imaginary phone calls with Chinese leaders and released highly classified imagery of an Iranian launchpad. But the elected officials of a political party that once took national security seriously are fine with him having a second term.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Insider trading?

Well, if it is true one must not engage in it unless one is a Democrat Speaker of the House.

So yeah, maybe he Collins overstepped his bounds imitating Nancy Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Jackson slaughtered Indians. Then he adopted a baby boy he’d orphaned.
Add to list
The future president referred to Lyncoya as his son. But some historians don’t think he qualified for a Father’s Day card.

President Andrew Jackson shown in an undated portrait. (AP)
June 16

During the War of 1812, roughly two decades before he became president, Gen. Andrew Jackson wrote home to his wife, Rachel, from the battlefield.

Though he was tired and banged up, Jackson was also proud. He had just presided over another successful slaughter of Native Americans.

“I detached Genl John Coffee with part of his Brigade of Cavalry and mounted men to destroy Creek Town,” he wrote, referring to an area in what is now Alabama.

The general, Jackson wrote, had performed this slaughter in “elegant” style. More than 170 Native Americans were killed. Still, there was more killing to do. He was determined to march on, he wrote, to “the heart of the creek nation.”

Anonymous said...

"released highly classified imagery of an Iranian launchpad"

WNU already talked to that fool.

"WNU Editor: Over the years I have posted many satellite photos from the U.S. government. And while they are not like this one, they were close. Everyone also knows that the resolution from U.S. spy satellites are incredible, which this picture. Bottom line, there are no U.S. surveillance secrets being disclosed. Like it or not, President Trump is also right about this "

You don't know if they released it at the original resolution or dumbed it down to keep Iran, Russia, China and fools like you guessing.

It was said back in the 1970s they coukd read a license plate from out space. So this photo that was released is amazing?

Just how big of a fool are you?

Or a better question to be asked is "Are you a masochist?"

I beginning to wonder if you were on your school's debate team for the purpose of getting pawned which gave you great delight.

Sam said...

Well. If you want to go into debt to go to school to get a better job that you might or might not land, Canada is the place for you. The lack of work especially where I live is terrible. The wages people make are lower then the cost of living. The middle class might be doing ok but the Majority of Canadians are below the middle class. We can't even take care of 37 million people. So id say we are worse off. The Canadian media hides it very well.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Eddington, a former CIA satellite imagery analyst, said the photograph tweeted by Trump appeared to be a classified image taken by a U.S. spy satellite.

“If the president simply tweeted out an image from classified briefing that utilizes our most advanced overhead collection capabilities, it is no doubt welcome news to our adversaries,” said Eddington, now a research fellow at the CATO Institute.

“While he has the authority to declassify any federal document, Twitter is not a legitimate or responsible way to do so.”

Anonymous said...

You had a point?

People know we can take pictures. Even google takes pictures from space.

You have no idea what resolution the classified picture was taken at and what the resolution that Trump shared. Until then you have no argument. None.

If you have the coordinates, you can use google maps and compare resolutions.