Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Brexit Showdown In The U.K. Parliament -- News Updates September 3, 2019

Daily Mail: Speaker John Bercow tees up huge Brexit showdown by GRANTING Remainer bid for emergency debate that could see them seize control of House of Commons business to rule out No Deal

* Boris Johnson is facing a massive Commons showdown tonight as Remainer MPs try to block No Deal
* Rebel efforts clear first hurdle after Speaker John Bercow says he will allow emergency motion to be heard
* Philip Hammond condemned PM's 'aggressive' threats and promises 'fight of a lifetime' against deselection
* Mr Johnson warned he will never ask the EU for an extension beyond the current Brexit deadline of October 31
* He is expected to table a motion calling an election for October 14 if the government loses the battle
* Pro-EU ex-ministers Justine Greening and Alistair Burt have announced they will stand down at the election
* Another Remainer former minister Phillip Lee has defected to the Lib Dems wiping out the PM's tiny majority
* Amber Rudd, the Work and Pensions secretary, urged Mr Johnson not to kick out MPs who try to stop No Deal

Speaker John Bercow teed up a huge Brexit showdown today by granting a Remainer bid for an emergency debate that could see them rule out No Deal.

Mr Bercow said he would allow Tory rebel Oliver Letwin to push a business motion seizing control of the agenda in the House - despite complaints from Eurosceptics that it flouts procedures.

Some MPs including Peter Bone shouted 'NO!' when the Speaker asked if the House wanted to hear the debate, but more than 40 members stood up in support - meeting the threshold for continuing.

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Brexit Showdown In The U.K. Parliament -- News Updates September 3, 2019

Brexit: Tory MP defects as Johnson confronts rebels ahead of key Commons vote – live news -- The Guardian
UK Parliament showdown on Brexit — live updates -- DW
Brexit: Tory MP defects ahead of crucial no-deal vote -- BBC
UK’s Johnson weakened by party defections over Brexit -- AP
Remainer ex-minister Phillip Lee humiliatingly WIPES OUT Boris Johnson's majority by crossing the floor to join Lib Dems as PM delivers Commons statement ahead of huge Brexit showdown -- Daily Mail
British PM Johnson loses working majority as MP defects to Liberal Democrats -- France 24
Brexit showdown: British lawmakers bid to block PM leaving EU with no deal -- Reuters
BoJo’s government majority destroyed as Tory MP defects to Lib Dems -- RT
UK public must decide next steps if parliament votes against Johnson: PM's spokesman -- Reuters
EU wants to see if lawmakers will block Brexit before striking new deal: UK's Johnson -- Reuters


Unknown said...

Watching this debate on TV I thought that this was a Mel Brooks production. "Blazing Sado's"!!!

Roger Smith said...

They are fun to watch sometimes. Unlike some pols in an unnamed country.

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