Tuesday, September 3, 2019

British PM Boris Johnson Says He Will Now Move A Motion To Allow A Snap British Election

Daily Mail: Boris Johnson calls for SNAP ELECTION after Remainer MPs WIN vote to seize control of Commons by 328 to 301 - but Jeremy Corbyn says law to stop No Deal must be passed BEFORE a poll

* Boris Johnson has lost a massive Commons showdown tonight as Remainer MPs try to block No Deal
* Some 21 Tory MPs joined the revolt to inflict a stinging defeat on the government by 328 votes to just 301
* Mr Johnson warned he will never ask the EU for an extension beyond the current Brexit deadline of October 31
* He is expected to table a motion calling an election for October 15 if the government loses the battle
* Needs two-thirds of MPs for snap poll but Jeremy Corbyn has repeatedly dodged saying if he will back one
* Pro-EU ex-ministers Justine Greening and Alistair Burt have announced they will stand down at the election
* Another Remainer former minister Phillip Lee has defected to the Lib Dems wiping out the PM's tiny majority

A furious Boris Johnson called for a snap election tonight after he Remainers seized control of Parliament to rule out No Deal Brexit.

The Prime Minister humiliatingly lost a crunch vote that gives a rebel alliance control of Commons business - with the aim of passing a law to stop the UK crashing out at the end of October.

The victory for pro-EU MPs - by a huge margin of 328 to 301 - came despite Mr Johnson threatening to end the careers of Tories who joined the revolt by deselecting them.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If an election is called it will need the support of two thirds of the parliament, but the Labour Party has made it clear that they will not support an election unless a no-deal Brexit is ruled out. From where I an standing there is a very real possibility that this election call may be defeated, thereby putting the government in limbo, or replacing it with a coalition that will be run by Jeremy Corbyn or some other party. Another reason why I believe this election call may be defeated are the polls. Recent polls indicate that the Conservative Party under Boris Johnson will easily win a majority if Brexit is on the ballot. If true, no election. But if the opposition believe that these polls are not right, then an election it will be. Bottom line .... we are going to know in the next 24 hours where all of this is headed.

One final note. Any politician or government who goes against the will of the people will always receive blow-back in the end. For the 53% who voted for Brexit and for those who voted for these former Tory MPs who crossed the aisle today, there must be a great deal of disappointment and anger among many of them tonight.  And here is an easy prediction. Many of them are going to feel motivated to vote in the next election, and it is not hard to figure out where their vote is going to go .... whether it is this October, or next year which some in the anti-Brexit coalition are now voicing.

More News On British PM Boris Johnson Saying He Will Now Move A Motion To Allow A Snap British Election

Live Brexit: Johnson loses first key vote -- BBC
Brexit: Boris Johnson to table motion for general election – live news -- The Guardian
Boris Johnson faces parliamentary rebellion over no-deal Brexit, live blog -- ABC News Online
Major defeat for British PM as lawmakers seize Brexit agenda -- AP
Opponents of 'no-deal' Brexit defeat PM Johnson, who promises an election -- Reuters
British MPs defeat Boris Johnson on Brexit, election looms -- France 24
Brexit: Boris Johnson defeated as MPs take control -- BBC
UK lawmakers vote to support plan to stop no-deal Brexit -- DW
Brexit vote sees opponents of no-deal EU exit defeat British PM Boris Johnson -- ABC News Online

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting times. The silent majority want Parliament to run the country. Parliament wants foreigners in the EU to run the country. Not what the people wanted. Democracy is in its death throws. Once a Stalin like figure seizes control of the EU, we're all in bother, including the sheep like remainders.