Sunday, September 15, 2019

China Barring Some Americans From Leaving The Country

USA Today: Trapped, alone and 'desperate to come home.' American siblings barred from leaving China

WASHINGTON – Two young Americans, Victor and Cynthia Liu, are “trapped” in China, increasingly desperate and despondent because Chinese authorities have blocked them from leaving for more than a year.

“They are trapped. They are alone. They are desperate to come home,” David Pressman, the siblings’ New York-based attorney, told USA TODAY. “They are literally breaking down.”

The Lius are subject to a so-called “exit ban,” and they’re not they only ones.

Another American citizen, Huang Wan, says Chinese officials are using a “fake” legal case to prevent her from returning to the United States. An Australian resident, Yuan Xiaoliang, has been barred from leaving China for more than eight months, and her husband, an Australian citizen, has been arrested on suspicion of spying, according to Australia’s foreign minister.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Americans are not the only ones who are being barred from leaving China, some are experiencing a far worse situation .... China Formally Arrests Two Canadians For Spying (May 16, 2019).


Anonymous said...

And I called it again. Wrote about it even here on the blog that anyone who still goes to China for business is crazy. To visit family, friends, OK. But even that gets dangerous. You're being targeted and used as pawns. On top video recordings in your hotel suite or apartment if you're higher up, and I've heard it happens to mid tier management now too,you know for fun and as future investment. . Who wants that? It's crazy and means suicide to China's business. No one wants to be harassed or filmed or taken hostage. Just stop it

Mike Feldhake said...

Had a couple clients that just went there, said they had a good time. It was business related, meaning they were buyers looking at a product so I am sure that helped.

Anonymous said...

@mike of course. If you bring in cash, you're loved! But if they owe you, suddenly there are issues with your papers :D

Jac said...

There is a "strong" solution for freeing Americans: stop all cargo oil to go to China until they free our citizens. China will not make the mistake of Japan which bring them to war with America.