Monday, September 2, 2019

China Showcases Another Military Drone

Popular Mechanics: China's Loyal Wingman Drone Flies Alongside Manned Fighters

It's another endorsement for the robotic flying buddy concept.

* The LJ-1 is designed to function as a robotic wingman to manned aircraft.
* The drone's development is evidence Chinese companies see the merit of America's "loyal wingman" concept.
* Unlike other drones, the LJ-1 can be sent on a one way trip with a high explosive payload, turning it into a cruise missile.

A mysterious Chinese company is showing off a concept model for a high speed “loyal wingman” drone at an airshow outside of Moscow. The LJ-1 is designed to function as a high speed target but also fly alongside manned fighter jets—and sacrifice itself if necessary. The drone is an endorsement of the loyal wingman concept, currently being pioneered by the U.S. and Australia.

According to Aviation Week and Space Technology, the LJ-1 is currently on display at the MAKS 2019 Air Show at Zhukovsky Air Base. Russia’s largest air show, it’s where Russian and other foreign companies show off their latest aircraft and aerial weapon designs, hoping to drum up orders. A photo of the drone at the AW&ST web site shows a sleek, cockpitless aircraft with an air intake at the top rear of the fuselage.

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WNU Editor: It looks like the Chinese have bought into the US Air Force's plans to have drone wingmen flying alongside manned fighters.


Anonymous said...

The US military should just have fun with the Chinese, knowing they will copy everything.. just go like "yeah we are planning to build an iron fortress floating in the skies, propelled by laughing gas".. half year later "WE THE CHINESE ANNOUNCE MODERN NEW IDEA OF FLOATING FORTREESSSSSSS!" :D

Anonymous said...

no take out for you