Friday, September 13, 2019

Editor's Note

Visiting Toronto with the GF right now. Blogging will return Saturday evening.


Anonymous said...

It may seem fairly routine for the Trump administration's foreign policies to seem incoherent, but Iran offers a dramatic example of a larger problem.
Source: Trump's Iran policy takes a head-shaking turn toward incoherence
Poll: 64% of Americans don’t like Trump’s climate policies - MarketWatch
Firehouse/0ptimus September General Election Poll: Slight Majority Say Trump’s Deception on Hurricane Dorian “A big deal” Each quarter this year, we have surveyed 2020 general election voters to gauge public opinion heading into 2020. This month we surveyed general election likely voters in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan through a combination of […]
Source: EXCLUSIVE SURVEY: Democrats Lead Trump in Key Swing States - FIREHOUSE Strategies
Air Force says it sent crews to Trump’s Scottish resort up to 40 times - POLITICO
Trump, Awaiting Egyptian Counterpart at Summit, Called Out for ‘My Favorite Dictator’ - WSJ

Anonymous said...

Mark Sanford, Joe Walsh, Bill Weld op-ed: Canceling GOP primaries is a critical mistake
Schiff accuses top intel official of illegally withholding 'urgent' whistleblower complaint -
Trump promised to get rid of red ink in 8 years. But the deficit just topped $1 trillion for the first time since 2012. | Markets Insider
'Where's my favourite dictator?': Trump comment on Egyptian president 'met with stunned silence', report says

Anonymous said...

While the parrot above blabs on, here some actual news

Anonymous said...

oh, wow! you just discovered that? you sure are on top of things

Anonymous said...

Schiff you say, still waiting on the colusion evidence he was ready to reveal, until then he’s just another Alex Jones.

Anonymous said...

you will, I am sure, recall that nothing, zip, zero of materials and testimony from those summoned before the proper committee were permitted by Moron-in-Chief to appear and now the courts will soon deal with this. Hold your panties, then, till the courts do their usual, you jump the gun, forgetting that you may be as is your custom, shooting blanks

Anonymous said...

Lol, we’ll find those WMD’s just you wait and see!

fred said...

you mean the ones Bush said were in Iraq and so invaded and thus left the Taliban an easy way to come back in Afghanistan

fred said...

Emoluments Lawsuit Against Trump Can Go Forward, Court Rules
Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
Trump uttered what many supporters consider blasphemy. Here’s why most will probably forgive him.

Anonymous said...

Those are the ones! It’s great to see the stupid hat just revolves back and forth between the parties....wear it proud Fred, wear it proud!

Anonymous said...

Hat getting tighter and tighter, must push the party line or all will be lost...

fred said...

U.S.-China trade war risks driving Fed policy, not Trump's carping: economists - TODAYonline
Wall Street Ignores Cyclical Jobs Growth Downturn As Employment Indicator Hits Great Recession Levels | Zero Hedge
California lawmakers defy Newsom, block Trump on environment
CNBC host Jim Cramer says a win for Elizabeth Warren would be a loss for the big banks — she agrees - MarketWatch
Ivanka Trump, Unironically: I Got My Moral Compass From My Dad | Vanity Fair
Mysterious waves have been pulsing across Oklahoma
Bolton reportedly resigned after Trump raised possibility of relieving Iran sanctions

Anonymous said...

Ah the inferior genes argument...that usually ends well, Hitler much?

fred said...

spend some time reading instead of babbling. Hitler knew nothing about genes at that time and, like Americans, talked about things inherited via the blood...genes make you what you are, ie, an asshole know nothing who believes himself clever but is not

Anonymous said...

Why bless his black little heart, but parrot has posted spam 6 times to try via rep3tition to his way of nonthinking (or stun us into a stupor until after November 3, 2020).


- George Washington sold lots of whiskey, when he was a president.

- The Trump Scotland golf course thing backfired. It was a lie. But keep pushing it. The refueling contracts were negotiated by the Obama administration. But if numbers confuse some PhDs, I suppose calendar dates confuse them also.

But keep it up. Watching the Democrats crash and burn is good entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Thats the trouble with wearing that stupid hat, it’s self tightening and can often bring about fits of incoherent anger and confusion (see last debate).

Anonymous said...

When you think liberals can go no lower, they plumb the depths of depravity.

UK Gender Clinic to Offer Sex Change to Kids as Young as 3 — Online

Anonymous said...

Soon to come to America

Cuz ... Democrats

BBC Tells Kids 'People Can Go to Prison' For Disrespecting 'More Than 100' Gender Identities

The Leftard NPR will adopt BBC insanity.

Anonymous said...

Don't Move to Austin, Texas. It's Rotting from Within.

Why is Austin becoming a shithole? It has a high viral load of Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Fred. You add to this site. I disagree much. But keep going.