Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Iranian Oil Tanker Turns Off Tracking System Offshore Syria

Daily Mail: Iranian oil tanker tracked by the US turns off its tracker beacon - increasing speculation it IS heading to Syria

* Adrian Darya 1, formerly the Grace 1, turned off tracker at 4pm GMT yesterday
* Vessel was some 45 nautical miles off the coast of Lebanon and Syria at time
* Tanker with 2.1m barrels of oil was held in Gibraltar before release last month

An Iranian tanker carrying $130m worth of crude oil which is being pursued by the U.S. has turned off its tracking beacon, increasing speculation it is heading Syria.

The disappearance of the Adrian Darya 1, formerly known as the Grace 1, follows a pattern of Iranian oil tankers turning off their Automatic Identification Systems.

By doing this the destination of the cargo can be masked amid U.S. sanctions targeting Iran's energy industry.

Today Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reiterated that Tehran will not enter into direct talks with the U.S. unless Washington rejoins the 2015 nuclear deal.

Read more ....

More News On The Iranian Oil Tanker Sought By The U.S. Turning Off Its Tracking System Offshore Syria

Iranian oil tanker sought by US turns off tracker outside Syria, Lebanon -- FOX News
Iranian supertanker sought by US turns off tracking beacon -- The Hill
U.S.-Sought Oil Tanker Vanishes From Tracking Systems Near Syria -- Bloomberg
Iranian Oil Tanker Turns Off Positioning System Offshore Syria -- OilPrice.com


Parrot said...

ah, well...the parrot returns to tell you how this is taking place

RussInSoCal said...

I'll make a wild guess that this tanker is headed to.... Syria!


Anonymous said...

still a loser.

parrot said...

ah, well educated anon, hiding of course, calls names, like school child at lunch time..mommy would sure be proud of you, misbehaving little one

Parrot said...

Trump made 'suggestion' Pence stay at president's Irish golf club, VP's chief of staff says

INVEST WITH $200 AND GET A RETURNS OF $2,000 said...



Parrot said...

you truly reflect poor parenting...name calling at its lowest...sure sign of low self esteem, low IQ...

fazman said...

So because its turned off tracking no one is, sure where it is?, you'd think this would have been shadowed every step of the way by a sub.

Anonymous said...

Still a loser.