Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Is Beijing 'Playing The Long Game' In Hong Kong

Hong Kong anti-government protesters have shown no sign of backing down despite increasingly violent confrontations with police (AFP Photo/Lillian SUWANRUMPHA)

AFP: Beijing's Hong Kong dilemma: 'Play long' or send troops?

China is facing tough choices over how to tackle months of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong: hold dialogue with protesters, play the long game or send in troops.

The protesters have shown no sign of backing down despite increasingly violent confrontations in which Hong Kong's police have used water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets -- and even fired live warning shots.

In a leaked audio recording this week, the semi-autonomous city's leader Carrie Lam apparently sought to reassure businesses that Beijing "has absolutely no plan to send in the PLA (People's Liberation Army)".

But hours later Beijing again sent mixed signals about how it might ultimately handle the crisis, saying it will "never sit idly by" if the situation further deteriorates.

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WNU Editor: Beijing will not authorize any talks with the protesters. It sets a precedent that regions in China itself will then start to demand and fight for. But as long as the Hong Kong government supports Beijing, and the Hong Kong police obey orders, Beijing is taking the "wait and see" approach. But in my mind there is no doubt about one thing. If Hong Kong was not an important and critical economic asset to China, Beijing would have ordered the para-military forces in to crack skulls and imprison thousands a long time ago.


Jb said...

hong kong police are retarded for freedom

Jb said...

so sad no one is free eneymore fools must fight like a animal see

Jb said...

666 is coming

Jb said...

the devil wins people

Jb said...

might be too late to save mother earth people so sad

Jb said...

well then the city must burn to hell people do it fire fire fire

Mike Feldhake said...

Can you share what your smoking, must be some good stuff. Please share.

Anonymous said...


I responded to him just one time. I won't reply anymore. I take him as a kook gadlfy like 2 others at this site.