Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Personal Observations On Friday's Massive Climate Change March In Montreal

WNU Editor: Some readers have asked me on why have I not posted anything on the massive climate change march in Montreal on Friday. My focus has been elsewhere for the past few days, so even though I am late, here are some observations. I did not attend the march, but I had to be in the center of Montreal that afternoon, and the office that I was going to was in the middle of the climate change march. I definitely did not want to drive, so I took public transportation (it was free that day). The place where I took the bus is also the bus stop near the local high school. This school is half non-white, and the students were more or less told that they were not under any obligation to go to school today. But at the bus-stop all the students who were waiting for the bus and who did NOT go to the march were non-white. I can understand why. Demo or not, these non-white students are primarily from immigrant families, and it has been drilled in them that they better go to school before anything else. When I was downtown I had a very good chance to see the crowds (at least one section of it). The placards were on climate change. Anti-globalism. Anti-capitalism. Anti-oil. Pro-Marxist. Pro-LGBTQ+. Etc.. The composition of the crowd was young, and almost entirely white. (Montreal is about 40% non-white). In the office that I was at, the people that I was seeing were not at all interested in what was happening outside. They actually found it to be a distraction. When I left the meeting the demonstration was ending and all that I saw was litter and garbage from the demonstration everywhere.Was I impressed. No.

Update: I am from a generation that strongly believed in pushing for government policies to preserve the environment. I did it in Moscow when I was living there, and I did the same when I became a citizen of Canada in the 1990s. But today's generation and their focus on the environment is different. They believe in computer models that say that global temperatures are rising, and it will destroy much of civilization if it is not stopped. Some are even saying that disaster is only 12 years away. I do not share this point of view. I am old enough and I have travelled the world enough to see first hand how the energy industry has transformed the lives of billions on this planet for the good. Any disruption in this supply and its growth would be a disaster for these people, and that is not based on some computer model but on the history of where we were, and where we are today. And as to claims that climate change will kill millions. Need I say that climate events did kill millions in the past, but due to global modernization fed by a growing energy industry, that is a thing of the past (see below). I do not want to live in that past, but Friday's massive turnout in Montreal tells me that a lot of people do.


Unknown said...

When electricity ceases to function for extended periods & the lights & food goes off, watch how quickly the civilised citizens of the world show their inner stone age caveman. The difference between civilisation & anarchy in Western cities is wafer thin. It doesn't take much for things to go pear shaped & for normally law abiding citizens to get upset & violent.

Roger Smith said...

Believers may not be stupid but they sure are ignorant. And possess a very strong herd instinct. Luckily for them there wasn't a tall cliff nearby.

But hey! Greta says...

Anonymous said...

People have pointed out that supply and load in an electrical grid have to be balance within fractions of second. This is very hard to do with intermittent renewable power.

People like to point to Denmark which has a high percentage of renewable power. The thing is that Denmark is able to use Germany or other countries as a 'sink' for their excess power. It is a relatively small country so this is possible.

It is a bigger problem, when a country like powerhouse Germany does the same thing. Who will be their sink for excess power?

Some physicists say not a problem we can manage. Sure whatever. They can work the equations,m but the real world is a little bit dirtier and grittier. It won't be physicists manning the grid but technicians and others in less than pristine conditions.

The charge has been made that Germany physically cannot do want Denmark does. The grid cannot handle it.

There is a silver lining. When power abruptly goes down, it can damage electrical and electronic equipment like computers. Think of all those poor, poor Lefty trolls that won't have working computers.

Anonymous said...

Greta will be head of the UN in no time

1. Annoying self entitlement? CHECK
2. Loud shreiking voice? CHECK
3. Multiple times rehearsed and changed the speech for maximum twitter outrage at age 16? CHECK
4. Calling everyone clueless, morally wrong, almost like a racist for disagreeing or not being able to bring you the world you desire on demand? CHECK
5. Haven't accomplished anything in life but scream into a microphone like the rest of entitled role women? CHECK

Good luck to us all

Anonymous said...

There is a dark force behind these mass demonstrations, which are all based on junk science and manipulated computer models of climate change. The herds of young white people will do as suggested by their masters in the liberal press, who are seeking to cause social disruption and chaos for purposes known only to their masters--the ultra wealthy families of the world who control events behind the scenes by buying politicians and directing the power of the media. The common belief is they want a one world government with freedoms curtailed, and access to information controlled. The herds of children who march and shout are much like the lemmings who will plunge into the sea and drown. Things are so far gone that in order to avoid disaster, cherished freedoms, such as freedom of the press, are going to have to be curtailed.

Anonymous said...

I have multiple science degrees, ivy league on top. So believe me, when I say that a) yes, climate change is real, but b) we do not know how much man is causing this, c) what we do know however - and we know this for many decades - is that climate has been changing forever, literally since Earth formed about 4bn years ago (yes, yes, not forever, but in terms of our planet's age it has been changing - and DRAMATICALLY so - since the beginning. About 4.4999 bn years before Greta told us all how dumb we are, even then climate changed more severely than today)

Today's climate "consensus" is driven by a leftist media agenda and hyperbolized. They try this with any given subject and then just see "what sticks". This one sticks, because it is perfect. It applies to "feels" (of which Greta and many women marching) have A LOT. It doesn't require much thought however (of which they have little, and the guys marching are pretty much just hoping to get laid, or are of the SJW type.. you know, the beta male with no own guidance or though processes, who just do whatever it takes to get laid once in a while).

And on top, we have Twitter. And every "SHOUT" or tweet counts. No matter your age. No matter your experience. No matter your intellect.

And then what happens is this: Those with the most Twitter followers BULLY others into submission. And no one dares to speak up against these vicious bitches because they come for your jobs. Or form mobs in the real world @Antifa @Maxine Watters..

It is horrible to watch and no one will oppose them, as they are the loudest in the room and they do not have any moral guidance. They are barely grown up (incl. Maxine Waters). If people like this, who normally would not be able to hold a job, get to rule over us and make decisions for us, we are f*cked

Anonymous said...

A must read IMO

A Climate Modeller Spills the Beans

# Arbitrary “tunings” (fudges) of key parameters that are not understood

But, but , BUT scientists can fudge, because they are scientists!

Anonymous said...

Other gross model simplifications include

#1 Ignorance about large and small-scale ocean dynamics

#2 A complete lack of meaningful representations of aerosol changes that generate clouds.

#3 Lack of understanding of drivers of ice-albedo (reflectivity) feedbacks: “Without a reasonably accurate representation, it is impossible to make any meaningful predictions of climate variations and changes in the middle and high latitudes and thus the entire planet.”

#4 Inability to deal with water vapor elements

#5 Arbitrary “tunings” (fudges) of key parameters that are not understood

Anonymous said...

You average empty-head environmental protester would not recognize that bitumen is a hydrocarbon without a heads up from the top 1% peers.

Sad but true.

First solid bitumen test shipment on its way from Alberta to China

So the enviro-whackjobs, nutjobs and leftwingers thought that, if they shut down the pipeline form the oil sands to in Alberta to British Columbia then none of that crude would get to China.


Living in the real world I know ships run on Bunker C which is one step above asphalt. That Melius Energy converted the fuel this way for shipment is not a shock.

China wins!
Alberta wins!
Oil industry wins!
Know-nothing Luddite Enviro-whackjobs LOSE!

Anonymous said...

Many people are stupid. Stupid to believe carbon is a pollutant. Stupid to think rising CO2 is in anyway a concern. Stupid to think arctic ice content is static without cycles of thinning and thickening. Stupid to think climate changes over decades when in fact it changes over hundreds of years. Stupid to believe anything the U.N. proclaims. Stupid to think humans are suffering from our climate as it is today or 30 years from now.

Anonymous said...

I have often wrote like others have that liberalism is a religion. It has a set of beliefs, a catechism, and more. It is why I write devout liberals' and mean it.

“¡Anuncio! Jesús de Nazaret ahora ha nombrado a uno de sus sucesores, Greta Thunberg”, escribió la iglesia Limhamns kyrka en Twitter.

"Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now named one of his successors, Greta Thunberg, ”wrote the Limhamns Kyrka church on Twitter.

So liberals are putting up a autistic 16 year old of unknown schooling, but know propaganda teaching as their God. Peak liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Dear Editor....God you are scientifically illiterate. Like your opinion on this matters.

Apparently you are too ignorant to know when to shut up and listen to scientists that know.

Stick to opining on things you know.

Thank you...The Glaciers

Anonymous said...


Back at you. God you are scientifically illiterate and such an shill

1) What did you expect to happen in an INTERGLACIAL PERIOD MASSIVE ICE SHEETS?

2) What did you expect when the Little Ice age ended in the 19th century? More glaciers

Here is some remedial reading for you:

I hope you can read at least at the 6th grade level.

3) Do you know what a cycle is or a sine wave? There is a an ebb and flow to things like the tides, glaciers, etc.

Anonymous said...

If you ever leave the couch in your mom's basement, get a science education, and travel the world we can talk. Until then you just produce greenhouse gases making the problem worse.

Join the stupid brigade and revel in wiki entries. Simplistic dopes.

Anonymous said...


I have been to every continent except Australia ad Antarctica.

I have two STEM degrees. One of them is form an university ranked #2 in the field I studied.

If I were you I would live in fear of dihydrogen monoxide. You also seem to confuse temperature and enthalpy, because you are not a STEM major and are a stupid parrothead.

That whole Mom's basement meme has been going on for over 2 decades. but you can update your script troll.

Anonymous said...

Usually it is the Wiki articles about political figures that are hacked, Science articles are usually okay.

What did I need from the wiki article to make my point? General chronological dates.

If you come out of the cold part of a cycle, it means that you are generally getting warmer.

That is not common sense among liberals, but it is true.

There has to be one of those new CBD stores open near you. You had better get your soma.