Monday, September 2, 2019

Night Landings Make The B-2 Bomber Look Like A UFO

Popular Mechanics: I Want To Believe: Night Landings Make the B-2 Bomber Look Like a UFO

The night landing almost makes the aircraft look like it’s hovering in the sky.

* Two B-2A bombers landed at RAF Fairford in the U.K. this week as part of the U.S. Air Force's efforts to conduct "joint and allied training in Europe to improve bomber interoperability."
* The two bombers were captured by plane spotter Ben Ramsay, who caught their otherworldly approach to the English airfield.
* The two bombers departed from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, where B-2 bombers usually carry out operations.

An impressive new video shows a pair of B-2A Spirit stealth bombers landing at a Royal Air Force base in the UK. The landing took place at night, and the photographer’s perspective makes the flying wings appear to hover in midair, like a UFO.

The two big bombers, flying towards the videographer, briefly appear to hover in the sky. In reality the planes were traveling at more than a hundred miles an hour, on final approach to the air base.

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WNU Editor: When you look at a plane approaching you at night, and if it has its front lights on and it is far away, it would like it is stationary in the sky. The B-2 is not the only jet that can do this.


Roger Smith said...

I always marveled then and still do at the responsibilities young people, teenagers often, are given in the military, the cost of the equipment that is in their hands, and don't forget the lives.
Not to overlook the will they fill out as early as 18 years of age.

Jac said...

I agree with you Roger Smith.