Friday, September 13, 2019

Pension Funds In Iran On Brink Of Collapse

FOX News: Pension funds in Iran on brink of collapse amid US ‘maximum pressure’ campaign

EXCLUSIVE: Crippling sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran since President Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal last year have left pension funds throughout the country on the brink of collapse, according to documents reviewed by National Security Council officials and obtained by Fox News.

U.S. officials are pointing to this as evidence of just how punishing the ongoing “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran has been.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: U.S. pension funds are not going well either.


fred said...

Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Cuba Support Each Other in Fight Against U.S. Sanctions

Anonymous said...

1) Newsweak sold for $ 1 on August 2, 2010 to Democrat Jane Harman's husband.

Newsweak surely has spin & fake news.

2) The USSR (Russia) supported embargoed Cuba; yt was quite a drain. After Russia support giving Cuba money Venezuela stater to give them money. Now that too is gone.

Simply put Cuba and Syria cannot support themselves. Iran is on the ropes.

China is under a lot of strain too. They going to float Venezuela and Cuba?

Sure you want to place your bet there just to spite your nose?

fazman said...

That's OK soon trump will sign of a 15 billion line of credit, they all be living great.