Thursday, September 19, 2019

Predicting Soldier Firepower In 2050

An illustration from Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Ubisoft

Defense One: This Formula Predicts Soldier Firepower in 2050

Drawing trend lines across seven centuries suggests that tomorrow’s troops will rock some seriously heavy gear.

In 2050, exoskeleton-equipped soldiers could carry the sorts of heavy machine guns that are today mounted on vehicles, while tanks could be armed with howitzer-class cannons, according to a mathematical formula derived from seven centuries of weapons development.

To build the formula, Army Research Laboratory scientist Alexander Kott carefully scrutinized the performance attributes of weapons across the years, starting with crossbows and proceeding through muskets and tanks.

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WNU Editor: After seven centuries we have certainly travelled a long way from the crossbow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The long bow was the first long range weapon. Came well before the cross bow.