President Trump's Remarks At 2019 Pentagon 9/11 Ceremony. YouTube
Task & Purpose: Trump says the US military has super weapons that are even bigger and better than its nuclear arsenal
President Donald Trump has appeared to double down on his claim that the U.S. military's arsenal includes conventional weapons that are more powerful than nukes.
While commemorating the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks Wednesday at the Pentagon, the president warned terrorists that they would be obliterated if they attacked the United States again.
"If, for any reason, they come back to our country, we will go wherever they are and use power the likes of which the United States has never used before," Trump said. "And I'm not even talking about nuclear power. They will have never seen anything like what will happen to them."
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WNU Editor: I am skeptical about these "super weapons" that are bigger and better than nuclear weapons. But it is true that today's conventional weapons are incredibly accurate and destructive.
He's beginning to sound Iranian.
He's beginning to sound Iranian?
Maybe he is not at the leading edge, but bringing up the rear.
Democrats do not call you one name but call you every name in the book every campaign season and every day in between.
I for instance went from being a racist to being a white supremicist to being a white nationalist all the while being married to a double whammy.
Jeb Bush and the other weakling gave Trump the opportunity.
Jeb Bush and Hillary each had billion dollar war chests. The left is black listing and boycotting everyone not them and you are shocked that Trump operates the way he does.
That is pretty amazing if you ask me.
He's put the fun back into a boring snoozer with his use of twitter. 8 years of what's his name? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Got dementia?
You posted n the wrong blog post. You wanted the Joe "What state am in in?" Biden blogpost.
Biden is hardly my preferred candidate. the Moron-In-Chief remains yours
"Biden is hardly my preferred candidate. the Moron-In-Chief remains yours"
And your preferred candidate is...?
Nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs are 50/60 year old technology.
Ofc there's something new. It is obvious that the US learned the proliferation of nuclear bombs is highly regrettable. Once knowledge became avaliable pretty much every country with enough resources can do it now. It's not magic. Also, please keep in mind that many nations - like France - switched to simulations of nuclear detonations decades ago...meaning once the first x tests were done enough data was there to extract and just plan ahead without need for testing all the time necessarily. I'm sure once or twice a year the super villains and the super good guys (and girls and trans nsgenders..Jesus!) are meeting in their own lairs to chat about the latest doomsday devices. Otherwise why be a world leader? That's the cool bit! :D
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