Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Russia And Mongolia Stage Large-Scale Military Exercises

Moscow Times: Russia Stages Large-Scale Military Exercises With Mongolia

The Russian military has unveiled footage of large-scale exercises in Mongolia with a slick production value of shooting helicopters and firing rocket launchers.

The 11th annual Russian-Mongolian drills, the Selenga-2019, took place from Aug. 15-24 and involved 1,400 troops from both countries this year.

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WNU Editor: Expect more joint military exercises after today's signing of a friendship treaty.


fazman said...

Tanks and horses, it would look like the set of Rambo 3😂

Anonymous said...

Mongolia the buffer state and tripwire protecting (strategic depth) to the soft underbelly of Siberia.

One of the worst things an army can have is to not have intel of the right sort. Those horses with riders equipped with the right comm gear can be a force multiplier for the Russians.

This is a great Russian move. Mongolia may never be of economic significance. Its military might be small and have no advance tech. But this add strategic depth, a tripwire (casus belli), and a very effective screening force.

At most China could take the area north of the Amur river before Russian could bring forces to bear. If Mongolia were a Chinese ally, things would be far more dire for Russia.

Anonymous said...

Texas Governor Shocked Shooter Got Rifle In State With Spotty Background Checks

Anonymous said...

The Squirrel relentlessly stays O/T and in fantasy land.

Roger Smith said...

Anon 9:30AM,

I'm sure China is on Russia and Mongolia's minds.

Anonymous said...


Texas Governor Shocked Shooter Got Rifle In State With Spotty Background Checks

It was a privates sale.

When he went to a company to buy a gun the system worked at the point of sale.

Either FREDO is a sycophant partisan or he has the same problem Joe has. He is a missing a step.