Saturday, September 14, 2019

Taliban Representative Visits Moscow After President Trump Says Talks Are Dead

It was the Taliban's first international visit following the collapse of talks with Washington [Evgenia Novozhenina/Reuters]

Al Jazeera: Taliban delegation visits Russia after Trump says talks 'dead'

At Moscow meeting, Russia stresses importance of resumption of US-Taliban talks and group says eager to renew dialogue.

Taliban representatives have held discussions with Russian officials in Moscow, just days after US President Donald Trump declared months-long peace talks between Washington and the group "dead".

Taliban's Qatar-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen confirmed the meeting in the Russian capital on Friday, saying the group's delegation held consultations with Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special envoy for Afghanistan.

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WNU Editor: Aside the media coverage, nothing much came out from these "talks".

More News On Taliban Representatives Visiting Moscow For Talks

Afghan Taliban send team to Russia after U.S. talks collapse -- Reuters
Moscow holds Taliban talks -- France 24
Taliban Arrive in Moscow Days After Trump Declares Peace Deal 'Dead' -- Time/AP
Taliban negotiators arrive in Moscow days after Trump declares Afghan peace talks 'dead' -- FOX NEws
Russian FM confirms presidential envoy met Taliban delegates in Moscow -- The Nation


Roger Smith said...

I wonder what they discussed. Why did they go in the first place? And
Russia, bordered by Muslim populations...???

Anonymous said...


Russia invaded Afghanistan for reason illegitimate and legitimate.

- They wanted to spread the revolution.

- They already had spread the revolution via the press, espionage and other methods. By 1979 they wanted to save the revolution. TBF, many of the Russian academics and pols back in Russia thought that the Afghans communists were going about it wrong and were heavy handed. There was a huge backlash and Russia stepped in to save the Revolution.

- A big problem for Russia was people illegally entering the soft underbelly of the USSR and preaching Islam in the Central Asian Republics and riling up the populace. This posed a threat to communism and Moscow.