Friday, September 13, 2019

These Marines Spent A Month In The Red Sea In Case Of Trouble When The US Embassy In Israel Was Moved To Jerusalem

The amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima returns to homeport at Naval Station Mayport in Florida, August 9, 2019. US Navy/Mass Comm Specialist Seaman Apprentice Marianne Guemo

Business Insider/Military Times: A warship full of Marines spent a month in the Red Sea in case something happened when Trump moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

* The USS Iwo Jima and embarked members of the 26th Marine Expeditionary spent all of May 2018 in the Red Sea.
* The ship and the Marines were loitering there to react in case of violence related to President Donald Trump's move of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Marines embarked with the 26th Marine Expeditionary in 2018 were on high alert to provide quick reaction forces in the event of violence stemming from the controversial move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, according to a military document.

The Wasp-class amphibious assault ship Iwo Jima loitered in the North Red Sea for the entire month of May in 2018 after assuming an "elevated crisis response posture" in response to the US embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a command chronology of the 26th MEU detailed.

The command chronology, obtained by Marine Corps Times through a government records request, is a historical archived record of the MEU's actions and exploits.

Read more ....

WNU editor: Thankfully they were not needed.


Anonymous said...

Stuck for a month sweltering in the Red Sea jammed in tight quarters. No wonder Marines hate their lives.

RussInSoCal said...

Speak for yourself. You’ve obviously never done it. I know quite a few Marines and they’re very proud of what they do and love life.

Anonymous said...

I haven't served but I tend to agree with RussinSoCal... I'm sure it can be boring at times but then again so are most office jobs after a while even the most luxurious travel and hotels become boring/slightly nightmarish... and where else in life do you build comradery and get a sense of life and adventure than on a military ship perhaps going to battle? Sure we make deals or plan things or even get to build things if we're lucky, but I don't think any of us ever will be on a ship like this out in the deep ocean at times with seas we've never seen ..
Closest to space travel and star watching etc most of us ever will get to see too.. so yeah in peace time I'd totally do their job ;)