Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

Wow - hard-as-hell 747 slam there. IIRC Schiphol is known for nasty wind shear. Just listen to the camera mic and see the smoke stack exhaust angling.

/good thing Silkway is freight only.

Anonymous said...

"Maduro says #Colombia poses level orange threat, announces military exercises along border "

Sure. whatever.

Columbia has the FARC and other insurgencies. It would be very had to have the wherewithal to mess with Venezuela, the squandering country that once had the highest GDP per capita in Latin America. Thanks liberals!

Perhaps since Columbia is under perennial threat by Venezuela, they should take Venezuela on. It might solve most of their military problems. If they defeat Venezuela FARC might lost half of its funding or support.

Anonymous said...

"Hundreds of doctors in public hospitals across Zimbabwe went on strike on Tuesday demanding their salaries be pegged to the US dollar in the face of spiralling living costs"

Liberalism/socialism works as well as ever. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ilhan Omar’s first and third husband reportedly wants a divorce from his DEMOCRAT wife after she was caught cheating with her political consultant.



an impudent or immoral girl or woman.

"that brazen little hussy!"

synonyms: minx, madam, coquette, tease, seductress, Lolita, Jezebel; informal floozie; informalpuss; informalvamp, hoochie; derogatoryslut; derogatorytart, scrubber, slapper, slag, baggage; derogatory tramp; loose woman, trollop; archaichoyden, fizgig, jade, quean, wanton, strumpet

Anonymous said...

Brit Hume Gets Honest on Joe Biden’s Memory Loss: “Senility is Overtaking Him, I Think it Is”

Hans Persson said...

I really, really hate flying... And these videos, like the 747, makes my toes curl.....

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comment Russ.