Friday, September 20, 2019

U.S. Sanctions Iran's Central Banks For Attack On Saudi Oil Facilities

CNBC: Trump sanctions Iran’s central bank in wake of strikes on Saudi oil facilities

* President Donald Trump on Friday said he has ordered sanctions on Iran’s central bank at “the highest level.”
* The president made the remarks to reporters in the Oval Office, where he and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison were scheduled to hold a bilateral meeting.
* The president’s remarks at the White House came two days after he announced via Twitter that he had instructed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin “to substantially increase Sanctions on the country of Iran!”

President Donald Trump on Friday said he has ordered sanctions on Iran’s central bank at “the highest level.”

The president made the remarks to reporters in the Oval Office, where he and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison were scheduled to hold a bilateral meeting.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in the office that the central bank was Tehran’s last source of funds.

Read more ....

Update #1: U.S. sanctions Iran's central bank, fund after Saudi oil attack (Reuters)
Update #2: Trump announces toughest sanctions ‘ever’ on Iran (Times of Israel)

WNU Editor: Iran's Central Bank is the last source of funds for the Iranian government. These sanctions just made their business more difficult to perform.


Anonymous said...

Texas, North Dakota and Pennsylvania are the reason the USA can constantly flip the bird at Iran. Producers such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq are all big losers in a Gulf war whereas consumers such as Europe, Asia and especially China are big losers among consumers.

Winners? USA and Russia. Hard to imagine the USA as a winner if gulf oil is not exported yet there it is. The worst Iran behaves, the better for the USA.

fred said...

If then Anon, you are right...why should we be doing sanctions unless to help our oil industry ...and why is Saudi govt doing nothing?
ps: we were told to wait till further evidence made available that it was Iran, so why sanctions when that evidence not yet made available?

Anonymous said...

"why is Saudi govt doing nothing?"

For a former intel typist, you are dumb. I heard that a box of rocks one-upped you.

Many kingdoms, empires, and countries have ignored or payed tribute to their attackers. How many times did the Romans pay tribute rather than attack?

You might ignore or pay tribute rather than fight a two front war. or because resources are scarce at the moment.

Ignoring it for now, does not mean the Saudis have forgiven or will forget. Maybe it does for some people, whose memory only goes back two weeks (which explains things like how the DNC can fool you again & again), but not the Saudis.

Iran has 2.5X the population of Saudi Arabia and they are already tied up in Yemen.

Besides forgetful ferret, The Saudis have attacked Iran. They attacked them alongside Israel, when they hit the Iranian bases on the Iraq-Syria border.

Did you forget or is your memory shorter than 24 hours?

Report: Saudi Fighter Jets Helped Israel Strike Pro-Iran Militias On The Syria-Iraq Border


Maybe you could ask you Israeli friends (Who don't exist IRL)?

Bob Huntley said...


fred said...

stop being a wimp and pissy girl..grow the fuck up
and you cite my link to badmouth me?
The Saudis are doing a lot but not launching an all out attack on its big enemy: Iran
We are meanwhile listening to Pompeo: this is an act of war
and to Trump: sanctions!
I am aware and happy with my background. Yours? fucked up parents who dumped crap DNA into you plus a shit environment= a venomous spiteful, nasty bitch

Bob Huntley said...


Anon cannot hold a candle to you and your lifetime accomplishments. He attacks you because he is simply jealous. He attacks me for whatever reason thinking I will depart from this site when in fact I view all his nasties as adoration to a superior being.

His comments show that is closer to the ground than a snakes belly. I recognize him as an idjit. The fact that 90%, maybe more of his comments are slurs directed at others strongly suggests a very weak personality, perhaps down on his unaccomplished and unaccomplishing self.

Personally I feel sorry for him his inability to recognize his position in life let alone do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

"and you cite my link to badmouth me?"

What you originally posted.

"If then Anon, you are right...why should we be doing sanctions unless to help our oil industry ...and why is Saudi govt doing nothing?
ps: we were told to wait till further evidence made available that it was Iran, so why sanctions when that evidence not yet made available?"

Is there a link cited by you hidden somewhere in there? Do other readers need a secret decoder ring?

"Pompeo calls Saudi oil field attack an 'act of war'"

Are you arguing it was not an act of war?

In the same mangled sentence you write "to Trump: sanctions!"

What is confusing about one nation committing an act of war and another nation applying sanctions? Apparently, you disapprove. Why? Do you have a reason that you can articulate instead of emote or parrot?

German troops crossed the Rhine River in Germany in 1936. It was an act of war. They broke an armistice. No one declared war on them.

Germany invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1938. There was no declaration of war.

The USSR occupied Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania in the fall of 1939. It was an act of war. No one declared war on the USSR. (We know you do not give 2 shits about Latvia.)

The Second Sino-Japanese War began July 7, 1937. The US began trade restrictions/sanctions in 1938. But there was no declaration of war.

It is pretty simple really. You got to war with the army you have. If you look at your army and do not like its readiness, you defer war. Or maybe readiness is okay but there are other enemies that you need to keep on eye on like China or Russia?

Trump is very wise to keep us out of war at this time.

"Just 13% of Americans would support US military going to war over Saudi oil field attack"

If we went to war, Democrats would see to it that America's streets would be a battle zone. Nancy Pelosi or someone would pick up a phone and ring ring call-up Antifa or ANSWER to assault people on America's streets. The KKK may not be an official auxiliary of the Democrat Party, but it may again be so. Seems as though the KKK and Islamicists have a lot in common. In the meantime the Democrat party has its private armies, Antifa & ANSWER.

I find you a boor. You are historically illiterate, innumerate and barely functionally literate.

fred said...

Thamks Bob
I more often than not use my real name. Mr Anon, the one you refer to, googled nd discovered the rather long winded oral history I did for Rutgers Univ. This was part of a series and I was invited to participate as a veteran who had gone to school and had lived in N.J. for a number of year.
Mr Stalker read the bio. Uses pieces of it to say shit about me, meanwhile hiding who he is under is he safe. He might in fact have been an intern for Epstein and could offer us insights on the trade.

Now I know I do the annoying thing of dumping links that are not relevant to a post. However,I do not do this till I encounter the piling up of dumb remarks about the evil Democrats, rotten libeerals etc.

Now I know that in fact each party has its bad apples, and that from time to time, a leader errs in his life, etc. But to toss aside the gains made by those left of center is just plain dumb.

So thanks. If I push a stick into the hive from time to time, I am aware of the stings from the bees and esp. Anon, the Queen of the hive.

Bob Huntley said...

Queen Anon. Appropriate.

Andrew Jackson said...

Proof .I don't need no stinkin proof!!!!

Anonymous said...

Once again Fredo swings and misses.

You said I used your link to badmouth you. You posted no link. Are you that illiterate?

Roger Smith said...

Fred, I would think the benefits the WORLD'S petroleum producers receive are a side effect of the sanctions.