Saturday, September 14, 2019

Yesterday's Saudi Oil Attack Is 'The Big One'

Wall Street Journal: Saudi Oil Attack: This Is the Big One

The technological sophistication and audacity of Saturday’s attack will linger over the energy market

Saturday’s attack on a critical Saudi oil facility will almost certainly rock the world energy market in the short term, but it also carries disturbing long-term implications.

Ever since the dual 1970s oil crises, energy security officials have fretted about a deliberate strike on one of the critical choke points of energy production and transport. Sea lanes such as the Strait of Hormuz usually feature in such speculation. The facility in question at Abqaiq is perhaps more critical and vulnerable. The Wall Street Journal reported that five million barrels a day of output, or some 5% of world supply, would be taken offline as a result.

To illustrate the importance of Abqaiq in the oil market’s consciousness, an unsuccessful terrorist attack in 2006 using explosive-laden vehicles sent oil prices more than $2.00 a barrel higher. Saudi Arabia is known to spend billions of dollars annually protecting ports, pipelines and processing facilities, and it is the only major oil producer to maintain some spare output. Yet the nature of the attack, which used drones launched by Iranian-supported Houthi fighters from neighboring Yemen, shows that protecting such facilities may be far more difficult today.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This attack has certainly shocked the world energy markets.


Anonymous said...

What did Jay Farquharson say?

To get Trump will take 3 or 4 years or basically one presidential term.

"The Watergate scandal was a major American political scandal that lasted from 1972 to 1974, following a burglary by five men of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. on June 17, 1972,"

Now officially the Russia investigation began May 17, 2017. But we know it began before June 2016. The Democrats have sicced the FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA and foreign governments on Trump and there is still no there there.

The Republicans have to learn to grow a spine and fight back or there will be no Republican party or for that matter no Democrat Party. You know that when I wrote 'No Republican Party' that the liberal readers absolutely jism'ed.

Without an opposition the factions that form coalition that is the Democrat will fission. Those factions are not exactly friendly toward one another. Are the liberals ready for it?

After more than 3 years of wire taps, the full force of the CIA, a crooked FBI and leaks, I expect results. Perhaps we'll know the names of the Russian prostitutes? The address of Trump Tower in Moscow.

Trump wants some of the same things as A.N.S.W.E.R. The US out of endless wars in the Middle East. Except he does it legitimately.

He announces it.
He campaigns on it.
He gets elected on it.
He starts to implement it.

And the the liberals start bitching like the calculating, craven backstabbing bitches that they are.

Unlike ANSWER he did not block traffic on an interstate or bash in the heads of counter demonstrators and all the other shitty and illegal things that liberals do.

Anonymous said...

You set us up to weather this storm? TRUMP!

We just have ti uncap some well and resume production.

If 'The One", Obasm, had still been president we would be fucked!


Anonymous said...

The GOP response: deny each and every request by the legally entitled Democratic will take time. All the Trump commands that no one cooperate with the Congress will have to go through the court system...this, once done, will establish with some clarity things, one way or the other. Or do you suggest we put aside the legal means to sorting this all out?

Anonymous said...

"The GOP response: deny each and every request..."

The Dims should have plenty of ammo if there is any to be had, seeing as they illegally used the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS and foreign governments.

Dims will have a lot of problems after 2020. The squad will not simply go away. Most of the ones defeated will create many problems for the Dims.

We've all seen the 4 year old tapes of Tlaib bouncing her boobs up & down in outrage. A hussy like that is simply not going to go away quietly. Miss Nancy has a problem.

The progs are coming for her and all the other little Dims. I have my popcorn. This is going to get good!